Before I talk about the College of Business Administration on ASU’s Campus; I will discuss the leadership COBA. COBA is under the leadership of Dean La’Quita Booth and I will discuss three leadership theories that reflect Dean Booth and three strengths and weakness. She has been the Dean for the COBA for five years. Three leadership theories that I will use to describe Dean Booth are: leadership traits, behavioral approaches, and situational leadership. Leadership Traits First let being with leadership traits and what is it. Leadership traits are personal characteristics that distinguishing a leader. Some of those characteristics can be physical, personality, work-related characteristics. Every leader will not possess all the characteristics and not only can leaders possess different traits. They can obtain different strengths which can be talents and abilities that are reinforced through knowledge gained over the years. Some leader can develop traits such as bearing, dominance, intelligence, and tone of voice which will have a great influence on their followers (Heifetz, R.A., & Sinder, R, M. (1991). Dean Booth possess some …show more content…
The behavioral approaches of leadership are consisted of four parts and they are: task-oriented, relational-oriented, change-oriented, and passive behaviors leadership (Derure, 2011). Task-oriented is divided into four part and they are: initiating structure, contingent reward, management by exception-active, boundary spanning, and directive (Derure, 2011). The initiating structure of task-oriented can be built of group members, coordinating group, and determining standard of task performance to ensure that the task is perform (Derure, 2011).The transactional leader can be referred to the contingent reward because it is made clear to leader what task to perform and the rewards for meeting those expectations (Derure,
Giltinane (2013) identifies three leadership styles. The first is transactional leadership in which a leader is controlling and functions in a reward and punishment environment. In transactional leadership style, leaders give little room for employees to express ingenuity. Decisions are passed laterally from top down and the form of leadership is to stress obedience rather than loyalty. Transactional leadership is closely related to autocratic style (Giltinane, 2013).
The leadership is a result of a combination of traits, with special emphasis on the personal qualities of the leader, which he should possess certain personality traits that would be special facilitators in leadership performance. This theory shows that leaders are born as such, there is no likelihood of 'making' them later with personal development techniques.
Systematic research on leadership began in the early 1930s (House & Aditya, 1997). Researchers were interested in identifying leadership traits that might differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Despite of devoting so much effort to this area, only a few leader traits were found to be positively related to leadership effectiveness such as intelligence and Self-confidence.(Mann, 1959).After this leadership researchers turned their attention to leaders’ behavior. Two types of leadership behavior were identified in different studies (1) Initiating structure that includes task related behaviors such as organizing work, defining role responsibilities, and setting up work activities. (2) Consideration includes relationship oriented behaviors such as building trust, respect, and liking between leaders and followers. The University of Michigan group also identified two types of leadership behaviours. (1)Production orientation means that how much leader is concerned with achieving organizational goals and tasks and (2) employee orientation means that how much followers’ needs are important to leader (House & Aditya, 1997). (Song Heyi and Mao Na Guo Dan, 2007) inspect the relationship between the traits and the performance of the leader in different organizational cultures and found that in today’s dynamic world the negative traits are directly related to the performance, leaders play significant role in every organization. As the competition between the service oriented organizations is very high and continuous change is needed here and growth of these organizations where the only possibility to survive successfully is due to the effective and productive leadership. Leadership is process of social interaction where leaders try...
The leadership is a privilege and it is such a privilege and an honor which will carry the tremendous responsibility which will inspire others to direct them to accomplish goals and vision of the organization. Leadership is about influencing the people, by producing direction, purpose and motivating in order to accomplish the mission, vision and improving the organization. The leadership philosophy is evolved based on the experiences, both positive and negative, in most of the initiatives and activities that we undertake. It is also one among the collaboration and teamwork within which the team members can utilize each other’s strengths to counter the weaknesses of the individuals. By observing, introspecting and experimenting we can developed a leadership paradigm which is inclusive, collaborative and proactive. We can develop the ability to recognize which will approach in order to reach the productive conclusion. The great leaders know their limitations and are capable at utilize their strengths and also the strengths of others to compensate.
Discuss the role of leadership and how it can impact organizational performance. The role of leadership is the most important part of an organization. Leadership is having the ability to influence people to trust, believe and follow the vision. There are several different types of leadership styles such as transactional, leader- member exchange, and authentic to name a few. Transactional leadership appeal to an employee’s self-interest which involves motivation in some way to get the employee to do what is needed. This leader mostly deals with employees achieving a goal, then being rewarded for accomplishments. “Leader-member exchange suggests that leaders develop different relationships with each of their subordinates through a series of work-related transactions.” (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2011, p.323) This leadership is a type of bonding between leader and employee or obligation to each other. Authentic leadership deals with a person’s knowledge of self, their beliefs, values, and acting on a clear faith system through honesty and communication with employees. This leadership is more personal than the others because it pulls from an individuals’ personal belief value system.
The path-goal theory is derived from the expectancy theory and contains four types of leadership behaviors: directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented (Whitener, 2007). Directive leaders provide clear task instructions, timeline for task completion, and standards of expectancy and how to accomplish the task (Northouse, 2010). Supportive leaders are friendly and approachable, treat followers as equals, and attempt to make the work pleasurable for the follower (Whitener, 2007). A participative leader shares decision making with followers and integrates their suggestions and feedback into the task goals (Northouse, 2010). Finally, achievement-oriented leaders challenge followers to achieve excellence by encouraging them to work at the highest level of achievement possible (Northouse, 2010).
As Yukl (2010) indicates, such factors (e.g. personality, values and capacities) attributed to a leader. Normally it is widespread acknowledged that someone is born to be a lead...
The learning obtained from the Leadership and Organizational Behavior course has been valuable. From this course, I have learned that while someone can be a manager or a leader, it is better to be both. The various topics discussed throughout the eight week course have provided the unique insight necessary to be an effective leader. The insight gained allow for the identification of the behaviors that an effective leader must possess and continually develop. By identifying these behaviors, I am better able to shape my leadership style and goals so that I can achieve my full career potential as a leader within my organization. Ultimately, I realize that it is important to both do things right and do the right things in all my actions within an organization.
As a growing debate, the question at hand is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain traits over time. According to ( the approach of listing leadership qualities, often termed "trait theory of leadership", assumes certain traits or characteristics will tend to lead to effective leadership. I believe that leadership traits such as honest, competent, initiative, inspiring, hardworking, intelligent, and the ability to lead the masses, are some of the leadership traits one should possess. Within this paper, I will examine the overall concept of leadership traits, while observing the traits that were, or can be associated with successful leaders.
Traits of a good leader are trustworthiness, respectfulness, honesty, and be stern. When you have leaders that take their role seriously, you can form a backbone to an organization that cannot be broken. You have born leaders and you have trained leaders. Martin Luther King was a natural born leader for the Civil Rights movement. King saw there was something that needed to be changed and he took the steps to change the world.
Initially, transactional and transformational leadership are different in terms of implementation and its outcomes. However, transformational leadership was developed from transactional leadership (Downton, 1973). Bass (1985) defined transactional leadership as an exchange activity that leaders execute to motivate subordinates in order to achieve their tasks by giving out reward or punishment correspond with their performance. Additionally, active and passive management by exception are taken into account when it comes to misconception and faults. Bass (1985) stated that transformational leadership emphasizes the value of subordinates, encourages them to perform extra effort, and assures their comprehension on organization’s goals and objectives. Besides, idealised influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulatio...
The style of leadership is very task orientated. Therefore, it would be easy to establish goals and quotas for followers to target in order to achieve higher levels of pay, promotions, or incentives. For example, a restaurant manager may design a contest in his or her restaurant that can reward the highest seller a bonus. This type of leadership has many avenues to inspire employees by rewarding them. Equally, with rewards however, they can come with punishment. Leaders are able to have measurable result that can also have consequences.
”Leadership involves the exhibition of style or behavior by managers or supervisors while dealing with subordinates; leadership is a critical determinant of the employees ' actions toward the achievement of the organizational goals” (Saeed, Almas, Anis-ul-Haq, & Niazi, 2014). Leadership is a strength that initiates, inspires, and guides the cooperation and attitudes of others on the way to set vision. Leadership is influential and involves several styles of approaches that involve trust, accomplishment and focus to reach a projected result. Using and implementing the ideas of others motivates new thinking and gains the confidence to build the trust and encourage everyone to work to the same goals (Northouse,
The trait leadership theories assume that people inherit certain abilities and traits that make them better suited for leadership than others (Stroup, 2004). The trait theories originated from an earlier impression called the “great man” theories pop...
Leadership is meant to create a system to lessen chaos and create order, as well as to improve individuals and teams. The article discusses three leadership styles, which include transformational, contingent reward, and laissez-faire. Transformational leadership is considered active command and uses confidence-building to encourage any followers to rethink and reframe the future to create a positive outlook. Contingent reward leadership, another active leadership, focuses on transparent exchanges and contracts to convey to the followers what is expected of them and what their reward will be once the goal is achieved; however, unlike with transformational leadership, the leader focuses much less on the human resources side of the equation and