What Are Strengths And Weaknesses Of Leadership

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Before I talk about the College of Business Administration on ASU’s Campus; I will discuss the leadership COBA. COBA is under the leadership of Dean La’Quita Booth and I will discuss three leadership theories that reflect Dean Booth and three strengths and weakness. She has been the Dean for the COBA for five years. Three leadership theories that I will use to describe Dean Booth are: leadership traits, behavioral approaches, and situational leadership. Leadership Traits First let being with leadership traits and what is it. Leadership traits are personal characteristics that distinguishing a leader. Some of those characteristics can be physical, personality, work-related characteristics. Every leader will not possess all the characteristics and not only can leaders possess different traits. They can obtain different strengths which can be talents and abilities that are reinforced through knowledge gained over the years. Some leader can develop traits such as bearing, dominance, intelligence, and tone of voice which will have a great influence on their followers (Heifetz, R.A., & Sinder, R, M. (1991). Dean Booth possess some …show more content…

The behavioral approaches of leadership are consisted of four parts and they are: task-oriented, relational-oriented, change-oriented, and passive behaviors leadership (Derure, 2011). Task-oriented is divided into four part and they are: initiating structure, contingent reward, management by exception-active, boundary spanning, and directive (Derure, 2011). The initiating structure of task-oriented can be built of group members, coordinating group, and determining standard of task performance to ensure that the task is perform (Derure, 2011).The transactional leader can be referred to the contingent reward because it is made clear to leader what task to perform and the rewards for meeting those expectations (Derure,

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