Western Society's Current View Of Sexual Morality

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Sexual morality might be different depending on the person. People with different background, beliefs and even time in history might have a different stand in sexual morality. Morality is beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior; the degree to which something is right and good: the moral goodness or badness of something (Webster, 2015) We get taught about morality at an early age and it teaches us what to do and what not to do. In the western culture, our morality is greatly influenced by the Abrahamic theists. The topic sexual morality provides one of the most compelling context in the respective claims of our classical religious and philosophical moral theories and it is greatly influenced by the church teachings. …show more content…

R. 1966, p 5). Even though in the early time of the history, the Roman church has greatly influenced the society and the western view the tradition sexual morality. But as the rise of social scientist, more scientific researches and questions are raised and our society today seek for more freedom. Many of us start to have a different view and standard on sexual morality.

Western Society’s Current View on Sexual Morality:
Current Religious View:
Compared to few decades ago, religious leaders now have less rigid rules and they put less focus on procreation as the purpose of sex, but rather focus on marriage. They focus more on the relationship between the couples. They believe that sex as ordained for procreation and properly confined to marriage, the romantic view of sex as bound up with love, and the radical feminist analysis of sex in our society as part and parcel of the domination of women by men. Love is irreplaceable and is a necessary in sexual activities. They are also less strict on punishments on extramarital sex, but still consider it a sin.

Igor Primoratz (2001) argues that love is the core and foundation to sexual activities, sexual arousal, desire, and erotic love is basic phenomena of human sexuality and human phenomena. . (Primoratz, I. 2001, p

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