Wegmans Competitors

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Some of Wegmans competitors is Walmart and Tops. Walmart is a competitor because they have the “Super Walmart” now, which can make it a “one shop, stop” for most people. Walmart also has a generic brand called “Great Value”. This Walmart brand gives you popular named brand produces for a lower price. Walmart also has grabbed the customers with the advancement in getting into technology; the Walmart app. This app is quickly downloaded on your phone, and as soon as you get your receipt you’re able to scan the bar code on your phone and Walmart will search with 29 local competitors on the prices you just paid at their store. If they find it cheaper, Walmart starts a “savings catcher” balance for you. This adds up over time and you can use the balance towards future purchases. …show more content…

They run promotional sales like the, “buy 2 get 3 free, the monopoly game, cents off gas, diaper club points and they even have their own coupons that print out additional discounts of certain products your next time in the store. I’m sure Wegmans has thought about doing this kind of similar stuff, but probably feels that are solid financial, that it’s not necessary. Wegmans does put out a seasonal magazine with coupons and recipes inside. This is always nice to get as a customer, because it gives you fresh ideas on types of meals to make for your

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