We Shouldn't Eat Animal Based Products

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To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. (Buddha) I have lived the majority of my life outside of the United States, but there is no place the feels more like home to me than this country. This is why I am saddened by the poor physical health of my fellow countrymen and women (though this problem affects all of the world). Heart disease, diabetes and strokes plague this country. Nearly everyone in the United States seems to have heart disease that “runs in the family”, including myself. My father died at the age of 56 of a heart attack on his way to work. CDC states that 720,000 Americans have heart attacks each year, 600,000 of which are fatal. That’s one in four deaths. Every year more than 800,000 experience strokes in the US alone of which 130,000 are fatal on average. Those that do not die of it are often left crippled. Together these treating these diseases costs us over 150 billion dollars a year in health care. The cause of these diseases is no doubt our diets. Some research shows that animal based products and processed foods are the leading cause of these illnesses. The personal health risks are not the only danger. With the production of the massive amounts of animal based products comes a lot of by-products. These by-products more damage to the environment than you might think. This mix of problems has lead me to the conclusion that animal products are bad and shouldn’t be consumed by people. (CDC) In March of 2011 Sue Cummings lost her soul mate Karl Cummings to a sudden heart attack. He was 43 years old and an ex-Australian SAS soldier. He stayed fairly active and fit. He experienced chest pains, high cholesterol and high blood pressure befor... ... middle of paper ... ...rms are just another example of how sickeningly disgust the human race can be. We do have the ability to change however. I am not a scientist, biologist or doctor. I have very limited amount of interest in these areas of study. This paper is simply a sums up why I have come to the conclusion that animal based products are unhealthy both mentally and physically and should not be consumed by people. Works Cited CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/aag/dhdsp.htm. 2011. Cummings, Sue. http://www.monashheart.org.au. n.d. Grace Communications Foundation. http://www.sustainabletable.org/267/water-quality. n.d. Mason W. Freeman, M.D. with Christine Junge. http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Understanding_Cholesterol.htm. 2005. News Medical. http://www.news-medical.net/health/What-Causes-A-Heart-Attack.aspx. 13 October 2013.

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