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Gender roles and norms in religion
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As an infamous religious leader, Warren Jeffs had the ability to gain people’s trust and loyalty. He influenced many by exerting his power and authority in brainwashing individuals with religion. His home base is located in the Utah–Arizona area, where he is known to have about 40 wives and 56 children in his compound. Jeffs goes beyond what any human being has by taking advantage of religion to obtain supporters through his ideals and practices of Mormonism into the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) where he considers himself a prophet. Even after being imprisoned, he had influence to control his church even from behind bars. His sect is secluded from society protected by walls and cameras to prevent government interference, in the hopes that others would not be able to detect what occurs within the walls of the cult. He gained recognition in 2006 by being included in the top Ten Most Wanted List for arranged marriages. By 2011, he was convicted after a FBI raid on his compound in Texas due to assault on underage girls from ages 12 and 15 years old. Through his beliefs on polygamy, Jeffs has created stringent rules, religion, and manipulation.
While polygamy is illegal in America, there are roughly 30,000 to 50,000 people who live in polygamous families. According to an article in the International Business Times, about “forty thousand people in America are self-described Mormon fundamentalist who practice plural marriage and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints remains the largest organized fundamentalist group in the world.” Jeffs grew up in a religious community known as FLDS, a radical branch from Mormonism, but it is not recognized within the mainstream Mormon Church....
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...een as intimating by his members through his body language rather than words.
Works Cited
Adams, Brooke. "Warren Jeffs Profile: Thou Shalt Obey." Salt Lake Tribune(2004).
Jones, Melanie. "Warren Jeffs: Polygamous Leader Manipulates Sect From Prison as FLDS Splinters." Editorial. International Business Times. IBT Media Inc., 16 Jan. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Newcomb, Alyssa. "Polygamist Leader Warren Orders Only 15 Men To Father FLDS Kids." ABC News. ABC News Network, 21 June 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Singular, Stephen. When Men Become Gods: Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs, His cult of Fear, and the Women Who Fought Back. Macmillan, 2009.
"Warren Steed Jeffs." 2014. The Biography.com website. Apr 20 2014
Whitehurst, Lindsay. "Rules for Warren Jeffs' Followers Grow More Restrictive." Editorial. The Salt Lake Tribune [Salt Lake City] 15 Dec. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
The prosecutions story was that Jeff used his fiancé’s car to leave his work, drive home, and kill his wife. He changed his shirt, and shoes but not his pants. He was unable to see any blood splatters and neglected the key piece of evidence. As he was leaving the house, he received a call from the neighbor which placed him in the vicinity of his home. Back at work, he threw the murder weapon on the roof of a building and finished his shift.
The Kingdom of Matthias is a collection of history that seeks to inform on the story of Robert Matthews, who later adopted the name Matthias the Prophet. The story also sets forth to describe the socioeconomic state of the United States during which the rise of cults was rampant. It also lays the groundwork and establishes the framework for which modern day cults are viewed.
"We are a peculiar people," Elder Bruce R. McConkie once said (McConkie 25). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of a few "odd" Christian religions. Many of its practices have created much persecution and political reaction, polygamy being one of these. It created much social and political persecution of the Mormons.
Terry Tempest Williams is fully aware that she is contradicting the church when she writes “women have no outward authority,” yet she still chooses to take part in a ritual of healing that can only be performed by the men. Williams, however, does so in privacy and in the “secrecy of the sisterhood.” The word secrecy hints at the idea of doing something which is not accepted and against certain beliefs of today’s church. She was born and raised in a home of devout Mormons who follow the traditional beliefs of their faith. She acknowledges that the Mormon Church places great importance on obedience. In college she began to question her faith and today would not consider herself an “orthodox Mormon,” although Mormonism still has an impact in her life and work. In her writing, Williams continually contradicts the values of the Mormons.
First, people slowly started to realize this may not be what they want yet have no option, leading to psychological torture. It was said to be that if anyone was caught running away Jim Jones and his guards would use tactical skills to torment the people into staying, basically scaring them into any other idea. Also, Jones convinced his people that they were under attack by the government and that the US wanted to shut them down, using brainwash. After hundreds of nights practicing the suicide he finally called the actual drinking of the cyanide-laced kool aid (Jonestown and peoples temple, chidster). The people of Jonestown were manipulated and brainwashed into thinking that the life they were living was a hell and that suicide would bring them to peace. Jim Jones had implanted false thoughts in their heads causing emotional distress and ultimately leading to the mental break down of killing their children and themselves. The people of Jonestown were taken to the level of abnormal living and held high reliance on Jim. It was because of all these adaptions that Jim forced on these people that they became a cult (Cult, Gallagher). Jim Jones is one of the main and biggest examples of the difference between a religious leader and a cult leader. Another key example of a cult that used psychological techniques to persuade people
A cult society is an organization that basically disguises itself as a religion. In a cult, they normally perform rituals. There are usually many people in these societies. In Jim Jones’s cult, there were at least one thousand people in this community.
Walsh, Y., Russell, R. J. H., & Wells, P. A. (1995). THE PERSONALITY OF EX-CULT MEMBERS. Pergamon, 19(3), 339–344.
Society strives to feel a sense of belonging. We want to be a part of something that shares the same beliefs as us. We spend our time trying to place ourselves in a group to satisfy these needs, whether it is in a hobby club, a group of friends, or religion. Some people go to more extreme measures and find this in what we call a cult. According to Henslin, a cult is a new or different religion whose teachings and practices put it at odds with the dominant culture and religion. (2013:405) Cults are often identified with the ideas of mass murder, deviant behaviors, unusual beliefs, and extremely devoted members. Cults are also highly known for their leaders. The leaders of cults usually are the ones that portray the image for the entire group. Successful cults take a strong-minded and, according to Max Weber, charismatic leader.
Bloody rituals and moonlit sacrifices define a cult. As long as religion exists, cults also exist. Initiation involves feats of courage and skill and often results in fatality. Once they complete their initiation they gain the status of an official member. Members advance in rank by following the regulations and being faithful to their deity. New recruits rank lowest and the priest or prophet are the highest ranking members; climbing through the ranks takes years. Judith Lorber, the author of “Believing Is Seeing: Biology as Ideology,” assists in understanding the ideas presented in Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber’s article “The Spread of the Cult of Thinness…” ; society gives “cult” members body expectations they must follow for them to secure their places in the “cult” of thinness, or society rejects them.
People join cults as a way of feeling a sense of belonging within a community (Winner 2011:417). This need for belonging is eventually why members find themselves so involved that they cannot get out. This is especially true in the case of the cult created by Jim Jones. He established a cultic Church called the People’s Temple, most famously known for being the largest group suicide consisting of 909 people, including 276 children (Nelson 2006). Between five to seven million young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 are involved in cult groups (“Cult statistics” 2010). Nearly 180 000 people are recruited into cults each year (“Cult Statistics” 2010). The sense of identity, purpose, and belonging are appealing aspects to why people join cults as the use of power and manipulation coerces them to stay.
Terry, Maury. The Ultimate Evil: The Truth About Cult Murders: Son Of Sam & Beyond. New York: Barnes and Noble Publishing Company, 1987.
Cults have existed throughout history since the beginning of time. A cult is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a “system of religious worship with a devoted attachment to a person, principle, etc.” Over the past thirty years numerous religious cults have caused “ tens of thousands to abandon their families, friends, education’s, and careers to follow the teaching of a leader they will never meet”(Beck 78).
Mention the concept of polygamy in any “civilized” gathering, and you just may be able to see the shiver of repulsion that ripples through the crowd. By substituting the word “polyamory” in, you will be able to circumvent this reaction – but only because everyone is staring at you in baffled silence instead. So we begin, as always, with definitions.
“Polygamy is defined as a marriage in which a spouse of either gender has more than one mate at the same time. Polygamy is considered a valid form of marriage in many countries and communities around the globe” (Al-Krenawi). However, polygamy is illegal in the United States. Those who practice polygamy in America can only be “legally” married to one spouse; therefore, the subsequent spouses in a polygamist relationship hold a “singl...
On November 18, 1978, a notorious religious organization lead by Jim Jones became international news. As a result of manipulation and isolation, Jim Jones influenced his followers to commit suicide. Not only, but his followers were utterly convinced that what they were doing was for a good cause, specifically, a political movement. With kool-aid and a dash of cyanide, 918 people, adults and children, ended their lives that day. The aftermath of this horrific event resulted in numerous documentaries, on of which being, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple. Created in 2006, this documentary gives a thorough and accurate account of the events that lead up to as well as occured that day.