Walk Two Moons Should Be Banned

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Have you ever read a book that had just as many reasons for it to be banned from schools as not to be banned? “Walk Two Moons” by Sharon Creech is that book. In the book, Mrs. Partridge, Margaret Cadaver’s mother, leaves messages on Phoebe Winterbottom’s porch. The first of these messages reads, “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.” As Salamanca tells Phoebe’s story, she walks in Phoebe’s moccasins, and she learns not only about Phoebe but about herself as well. She declares that “beneath Phoebe’s story was another one. Mine.” I’ll have to say that “Walk Two Moons” does belong on the ALA’s 2017 Challenged or Banned Book List due to the theme of separation, the showing of guilt and blame, and broken families. …show more content…

Creech clarifies this theme for readers with Sal’s memories of her dog, Moody Blue. She remembers how Moody Blue would not let anyone touch its litter of puppies during the first week after their birth. Gradually, the dog allowed its puppies to be touched but would always carefully herd them back. When they were six weeks old, however, Moody Blue pushed them away. Sal thought that Moody Blue was terrible, but her mother explained the dog’s behavior by telling Sal, “They have to become independent. What if something happened to Moody Blue? They wouldn’t know how to survive without her.” This shows the reasoning of the book being banned from students reading it because it isn't appropriate for students to have to think about what it would be like if something happened to their mother and they had to learn how to be independent at a young age. A school shouldn't be introducing “not knowing how to survive without your mother” because this topic should not be brought up at such young …show more content…

Sal's mother has left, and she and her father are more distant than ever as they cope with their grief, but as the book goes on Sal goes on quite the journey, and is slowly able to put the pieces back together. Still, she can never fully accept the emptiness that her mother has left behind.It's not so easy being a mom, it turns out. Both Chanhassen and Mrs. Winterbottom struggle keeping their devotion to their children with holding on to their own identities, and over the course of the book, Sal begins to understand just how tough this is. Children in school should not be exposed to these type of hardship family relationships. Yes, most times children are going to be going through hardships and family issues, but reading a book with that is not appropriate due to the fact that students shouldn't be having to think about things like this in the school environment. School should be a happy, positive learning environment for all

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