Wa The Broad Analysis

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Calak, Katherine. “BARBARA KRUGER, YOUR BODY IS A BATTLEGROUND.”CiteSeerX, citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=\506. Calak discusses Kruger’s feminist ideologies illustrated in her individualistic artistic style. Calak begins with explaining Kruger’s common artistic attributes such as the black and white imagery, red blocks of text, and addresses the specific attributes of Untitled (Your Body is a Battleground). She explains Kruger had a previous career in graphic design similar to Andy Warhol. Through her prior knowledge in graphics, Kruger was able to address her concerns of feminist issues through her own art. The paper discussed how Kruger used her designs to expose her own opinions and issues in relation to male power and the control they are able to gain over the bodies of women. Calak also discusses how Kruger critiques consumerism, stereotypes, and mass media influences. Calak explains Untitled (Your Body is a Battleground) …show more content…

The online side of The Broad also gives an audio tour on the artist, this audio tour allows the viewer to hear more about the artwork from another standpoint. The speaker questions the subject and context of the artwork by asking “what is being fought over?” This question addresses the new wave of anti-abortion laws that swept the country in 1989. In this year, Kruger created Untitled (Your Body Is a Battleground) in order to protest during the historic pro-choice march in Washington DC. The artwork reveals the reality of artworks and how they can not only have a political intent, but also move a crowd introduce opinions on the topic being addressed. The speaker also explains the form of the subject as well as connecting it to Uncle Sam’s recruiting message, but Kruger’s work is warning people of a threat rather than

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