Visual Analysis Of Carcass By Josephine Halverson

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In Josephine Halverson’s painting, “Carcass”, he used oil painting as his media to create this work of art. Carcass was created to express an experience come to life. This experience occurred in 2011 after visiting a friend in Iceland. On this trip Halverson walked past a slaughter house and became fixated and had to see more. While inside she witnessed unimaginable events that most would find gory and disruptive but she became captivated and was deeply inspired. Halverson took one piece of the cows body and began to paint the gruesome picture, we know as carcass. Halverson took one piece of the cows body and began to paint. The part that she chose to paint was of the cows ribs. She also incorporated the violence she saw with the violent brush stroke she used in certain parts of the painting. The dark red color she chose to use gives a more vivid image of what Halverson that day. Halverson’s whole objective was the get viewers to see and feel the exact way she did on that very day. Halverson saw things that many people just ignore and go day to day without even …show more content…

Gris’s idea in this collage was to make the viewer differentiate between what is false and what is actually real in the world. He hoped to make people amplify their mind and not to believe everything as it portrays to be. Gris created an image that looked identical to an actual table. The real life object was used to grasp everyone’s attention, since it is such a well known object. Gris made this object appear realistic to people by using wood grain wallpaper and hand drawn wood grain wallpaper as a substitution to a table cloth. Gris then incorporated a dark background to focus in on the false table. The overall concept is that the table cloth isn’t real but the materials are. Gris felt that people immediately believe everything that they see and really everything is not what it appears to

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