Veterinary Clinics Interview

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Written Language in Veterinary Clinics Interview
Kayden A.R. Gill
Stark State College

Written Language in Veterinary Clinics Interview
Veterinary medicine is a continuously growing field that heavily relies on writing and written language as a method of communication, and functionality (personal communication, February 19, 2018). There is no better way to understand this than to dive into the depths of this complex community and speak to the people who work in it. For this reason I have chosen to interview a board certified veterinary technician who has dedicated many years of their life to the world of veterinary medicine.
My interviewee chose to remain anonymous. For this reason I will refer to them as Tech V and they or them. Tech V …show more content…

Lunch was quiet, other than the ever present singing parakeets. We sat down and began to talk about clinic workings, and the daily in and outs beginning with where Tech V works, trying to keep things as natural as possible. Tech V’s clinic is in a small clinic that sees many unusual animals with all kinds of backgrounds (personal communication, February 19, 2018). V described their work as being vast, combing many disciplines, and having many different responsibilities, or as they put it “...anything Doc needs me to do,” with such a vast and extensive job one could only imagine all the work it must take to keep things straight, this prompted me to start asking V how they used writing and communication in their job since these are key aspects to staying organized (personal communication, February 19, 2018). They responded by talking about Welcome Sheets, and explained their roll their clinic, what I gathered from this was that welcome sheets are the first step in keeping everything running smoothly (personal communication, February 19, 2018). It lets Tech V and colleagues find information fast after they take this information and catalog it. From what V told me about working at the clinic it seems that most of their job is a never ending game of telephone so cataloging information and taking good notes is …show more content…

I think at times V thought some of my questions where silly given that I worked at the clinic and generally knew the answer they would give, but when it came to communication, Tech V’s attitude would change a little bit (personal communication, February 19, 2018). Even if it was not terribly noticeable, I could tell they took the conversation seriously at those times, especially when talking about an animals wellbeing and

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