Verizon Wireless's Benefits Package

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Verizon Wireless may be losing at least one competitive advantage as a result of lack of knowledge about how employee benefits packages in the wireless industry compare. Studies have shown that valuable employees and top talent candidates are highly influenced by employee benefits packages considered to be good (Paterson, 2013). The leadership team’s determination and call for organizational growth, translates to both retaining current employees and enticing new candidates to join, an area in which a top employee benefits package is a major contributor. With this consideration, and factoring in the problem of a lack of updated information, it was determined that there was a critical need for a current benefits package comparison. The investigative steps necessary for this analysis for this Capstone Project were found in Section III, and this subsequent chapter, Section IV, submits those findings. Comparative Analysis Process The fundamental aim within this Capstone Project’s was to detail how Verizon Wireless's benefits package compares in the industry, by process of comparative analysis and implementation of a specific design strategy including the Exploratory Approach and Mixed Method strategy. Using these methods, data were collected directly from the six organization’s public websites, along with additional scholarly sources when necessary. Because of the complexities and amount of data, the Rational Choice Theory was employed to develop a technique that was calculative and ethical. The nature of the theory also provided concrete determination of options, and appropriate interpretation and subsequent recommendations. Effectively managing the massive amounts of qualitative data required a quantitative coding system to b... ... middle of paper ... (2014). Sprint benefits information. Retrieved from Sprint Website http://
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