Veganism Research Paper

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Meat is murder. It’s the murder of our Earth, the murder of ourselves, and the murder of innocent beings. Veganism is the superior diet to help not only our hunger but our health, our Earth, and our fellow sentient beings. Just like there are many ways to enjoy a diet with meat, there a multiple ways to be a healthy vegan. One of the more common plant-based diets is vegetarianism. Vegetarianism consists of a diet excluding animal flesh, fish, and poultry. Vegetarians who avoid flesh, but do eat animal products such as cheese, milk, and eggs, are ovo-lacto-vegetarians. Scientific research shows that health benefits increase as the amount of food from animal sources in the diet decreases, so vegan diets are the healthiest overall. (Vegetarians …show more content…

While vegetarianism is a diet, veganism is a lifestyle. Many vegans do not wear leather, do not wear silk, do not eat honey, or even conventional sugar because it is run through the charred bones of animals. At first glance, veganism sounds repressive but the restrictions do not reduce how amazing the benefits are. Risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of high cholesterol, risk of high blood pressure, risk of diabetes, risk of prostate, colon, and breast cancer, risk of cataracts, risk of arthritis, and risk of osteoporosis are all reduced due to the elimination of meats and dairy products. (57 Benefits of Going Vegan) Another stereotype is that vegan food is bland or boring. Fruits and vegetables are some of the richest foods Mother Earth. Along with spices, peppers, and even broth, vegan food can be just, or even more tasty than a regular diet. …show more content…

With the recent California drought scare, we are left to wonder, where did our water go? Animal agriculture used 55% of the water in the U.S. while domestic use only uses 5%. Speaking of hamburgers, it takes 660 gallons of water to produce ¼ pound of hamburger meat. Animal agriculture also counts for 51% of the greenhouse gases in our environment. Just cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day yet environmentalists want us to drive hybrid cars and use solar panels? With a growing desire for meat around the world, it’s obvious that the 45% of Earth’s land dedicated to animal agriculture is going to increase rapidly. For example, 91% of the Amazon Rainforest has been destroyed directly because of animal agriculture. (12 Reasons Why) Much of this information isn’t widely known and because of that, the effect of factory farming is given less importance. Does our dinner taste as good as the thought of an Earth left decaying and

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