Value Chain Analysis: Strategic Analysis Of Paypal

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- Product differentiation – by offering different products, services, or product features, the company can charge higher prices, or appeal to different audiences. Use of IS have enabled new products and services, that increase the levels of convenience in using existing products and services. By acquiring PayPal, eBay greatly enhanced the ease with which customers can pay for their products. Google keeps an innovative approach towards search engines, by introducing Google Maps, Google Translate and others, which improves the ease of usage. Using online live chatting systems and social networks contributes to understanding of customers. It also adds value and improves customers’ stickiness to website (Booth, Roberts, and Sikes 2011)

- Focus …show more content…

Value chain
Value chain model highlights specific activities where the information systems could be applied. This model is set to identify leverage points in which IS could have a strategic impact to enhance company’s competitive position. The value chain perceives firm as a series of interconnected activities that add a margin of value.
Those activities can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary activities. Primary activities are inbound logistics, operations, sales and marketing, customer service, and outbound logistics. Inbound logistics include receiving and storing materials or distribution to production, operations transform inputs intro finished products, outbound logistics includes storing, and distributing finished products, sales and marketing deal with promoting and selling the firm’s products. Secondary activates consist of administration, human resources, technology, and procurement. Supply chain management systems coordinate the flow of resources into the firm, and make the primary activities …show more content…

Value webs are concerned with what goes outside of the firm, and how well the firm coordinates direct, and direct suppliers, and delivery firms, and customers. By working with other firms, and using information systems, an advantage can be gained, by developing industry-wide standards for exchanging information, which eventually forces all market participants to subscribe to similar standards. Information exchange becomes more fluid, which positively influences efficiency, this in turn, makes product substitution unlikely. Such efforts also increase barriers to entry, which discourages new entrants. The internet has made possible to create highly synchronized value webs that integrate different business processes among the whole industry. These value webs are highly responsive and adaptable to environmental changes in supply and demand, as relationships can be bundled or unbundled, depending on the market conditions. Quick decisions can be made in order to optimize the value web relationship in order to deliver the required product or service in the right place and

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