Utopian Society Exposed In Octavia Butler's Speech Sounds

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Octavia Butler is one of the most outstanding African American feminist writers who write science fiction stories toward a utopian society. However, Butler’s short story Speech Sounds can be read as a depiction of an anti-utopian society that represented by misery, chaos, violence, and disorder. It feels as if Butler seems to be criticizing her society through her own depiction of the society in her story that Rye is a woman that has the ability to speak among other people who are not able to communicate with each other because of the illness that Butler describes as pandemonium. In most circumstances a small misunderstanding is how altercations between individuals and other unfortunate situations come about. Communication is the center basis for civilization and without it society would be thrown into a world pool of chaos.
The first misunderstood situation in the story was the first page of the story …show more content…

This sayings current relevancy is because it explains exactly what is going on in this tragic plot of a story written by Octavia Butler. Well communication is a crucial factor played in helping to build and maintain a utopia. But when it is taken is when the structure of civilization is torn and people start to develop a prisoner’s mindset. The mindset to where you have to be suspicious of everyone you see because you can only go on assumptions to what this persons intentions are. Which is the reason through the story why rye carried around a concealed revolver. Although there was a major lack of the ability to communicate it is shocking how through the story there were full conversations going on while people could not talk, read, or write going off of only gestures and actions. One of the actions that was most attention grabbing was how obsidian grabs a condom out and rye blushes because of the fact it has been so long since the last time she had been

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