Utopian Societies Imperfection

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People say no one is perfect for a reason. Utopias can’t exist because no one can be perfect. Imperfection is normal but perfection is impossible.Utopias societies can’t exist because no human being is perfect. Also, kids & adults break rules all the time and this would make a society not a utopian society. Another thing is people would leave because of anger or just disappointment. No people equals no utopian society.
Utopias are first not possible to exist because of all of the people who break rules..For example, The giver is a Utopian community but they have seemed to fail that because on page 14 paragraph 5 Jonas states, “They were not allowed to ride bicycles before then. But almost always, the older brothers and sisters had secretly taught the younger ones.” This shows that they break the rules of their utopian community so the aren't one because they are not all the same people. This quote is just telling us that kids break the rules and this means …show more content…

The did not act like a Utopian society.Article 1 Paragraph 14,”While many people believe that utopias are doomed to failure because of human nature, it’s much more useful to approach utopia as the ultimate governance challenge.” This quote supports my claim because the government could not be a utopia. In article 1 paragraph 13, “Finally, if you’re going to suppress your members’ worldly desires, you need a mechanism for self-selection. Several religious sects, like the Old Order Amish, have successfully stifled material interests over multiple generations.”
This quote supports the main ideas because people all have to want to have a utopian community and not all want it or follow the rules.
The last reason I believe that people can not have a utopian society is because some other rules made it harder. It makes it hard for the rule creators to find a good

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