Usual Respect And Inside Man Essay

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The Themes of the Usual Suspect and Inside Man
Both the movie The Usual Suspect and Inside Man two different movies but have similar themes.
Both The Usual Suspect and Inside Man are crime movie. The Usual Suspect is about the five criminals that met at the police lineup and were manipulated into pulling off a drug heist. The Inside Man is about a robber’s perfect bank heist. Both movie had an unexpected ending which leads to the four themes in both The Unusual Suspect and the Inside Man are control, fear, power and deceitfulness.
Themes in The Usual Suspects and the Inside Man The first theme in The Usual Suspects and the Inside Man is control. In The Unusual Suspect, Kujan wants to find out what happened that day on the boat. The only person who knows what happened that day on the boat was Verbal. Kujan interrogates Verbal, but Verbal won’t give straight answers, Kujan manipulates Verbal by pressuring him into telling the truth about the mastermind behind the criminal acts was Dean Keaton. Verbal manipulates Kujan by making him think that he is being manipulated by Kujan but in reality Verbal is the manipulator in the situation. In the …show more content…

In The Usual Suspects, the whole movie was a lie. Towards the end, the audience and Kujan realized that the narrator Verbal is Keyser Soze. We don’t know what really happened and if there was any truth behind the story Verbal told. In the Inside Man, Arthur Case has a big secret that can ruin him. Russell implied in the conversation with White that Arthur Case started the bank with the money he received from the Nazis for some sort of service that caused the death of many Jewish people during the World War II. Case later on admit his action and the content of the box to White, Besides the paperwork that proves he is guilty, there were also diamonds and a ring that belong to a French Jewish banker and his family who were sent to concentration

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