Us Intelligence Community Case Study

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The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) is a diverse and complex community of professionals whose due diligence and professionalism provides intelligence information to decision and policy makers. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA) made significant changes in the IC however may not have yet gone far enough. The following changes to the IC could enhance what is already foundational. 1) The most drastic change I would recommend would be to create a Cabinet post, Secretary of Intelligence and place all aspects of intelligence policy and budget under that Cabinet. It is impossible to list out all the benefits of this change in a short essay, nor argue both sides of this issue which would take volumes. Therefore, for this discussion the following assumption is made. The President has made this decision and the IC has agreed to execute it.
The primary benefit of a Cabinet post will be the development of one coherent intelligence policy, which captures all facets and sources of intelligence. No single intelligence office would necessarily take a back seat to any other. For example, terrorist organizations need money which is an aspect worked by the Department of Treasury intelligence office. They also use communications equipment, an aspect worked by the DoD National Security Agency. …show more content…

This body should be the center of gravity in all things developed concerning terrorism and the defenses against it. The increase of power and synergy of the NCTC will require new laws. These new laws would create a way for the US military to be employed against terrorist at home and abroad. Currently the military is forced to hand off the development of targets once they enter the Homeland, this may cause a delay in the continued pursuit against the target. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 could not have envisioned the constraints it would levy against the protection of the

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