Uruguay Speech

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Intro Oh the great and of Uruguay, what a beautiful place to be and to visit. We have many things to offer for your entertainment. And I am going to tell you all about this place in the paragraphs to go. So if you would like to hear more about Uruguay this is the place to be. I will tell about the land,the culture, the people and so much more. So without further adieu let's get on with the cool and fun facts about Uruguay. Land Wow look at this land of Uruguay is very strange and cool let me tell you about some of the land forms that we have here in Uruguay. Here in Uruguay we have some forest, rivers, basins, and we also have some mountains. But you don’t have to worry, we don’t have any volcanoes! We have four major mountains and their names are…Cerro Catedral, Cerro de las Animas, Sugar Loaf Hill, and Cerro Negro. We have many thing in this land just like like our rivers, and our forest, but you will have to come to see them yourself. Weather Oh boy is it hot over here in Uruguay, this is because Uruguay has a very …show more content…

and 3.407 million as of 2016, that not a lot of people in this area have many jobs. It is really rare for people to have a job in this country, but lately it is becoming more and more popular. Soon most people in this region will have a job to wake up to. Now let’s talk about the culture of Uruguay and what they believe in. Most of Uruguay’s culture is impacted by the gaucho tradition. Most of the people in Uruguay are counting themselves as christian. (approximately 58.1%) that is one of the largest groups that they have. They also have the 47% that count themselves as Roman Catholic. These are the two most popular religions in Uruguay. They also have many people that count themselves to not have a religion (approximately 40.89% of the population profess no religion). But all of this goes to show that there is a lot of diversity in this

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