Unit 20 P1

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Unit 20
Sales Plan
Importance of Sales Function
Sales Presentation of (selected product)
Ibrahim Nisham Ahmed
MAPS Associate’s Degree in Human Resources
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
LO1. Understand the role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy .......................................................................................................................... 3
P1.1. Explain how personal selling supports the promotion mix ............................................... 3
P1.2. Compare buyer behavior and the decision making process in different situations ........... …show more content…

Understand the role and objectives of sales management .............................. 5
P3.1. Explain how sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives .................. 5
P3.2. Explain the importance of recruitment and selection procedures ..................................... 6
P3.3. Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management ........... 6
P3.4. Explain how sales management organizes sales activity and control sales output. .......... 7
P3.5. Explain the use of databases in effective sales management ............................................ 7
LO4. Be able to plan sales activity for a product or service .................................... 8
P4.1. Develop a sales plan for a product or service .................................................................... 8
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 8
Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 8
Sales Planning and Operations is an activity, which combines Sales and Marketing
Operations of organizations, and it helps in achieving their strategic goals and …show more content…

This allows Sonee Sports to modify its promotional activities and products for future. So ultimately personal selling supports the objectives of the promotional mix.
P1.2. Compare buyer behavior and the decision making process in different situations Buyer behavior of an individual or a business can be defined as the process or the behavior, which is used at the time of buying product. The buyer behavior of the potential customers of an organization helps the organization to plan and implement strategies aimed to maximize the sales of its products (Wilson, 2000).
There are different types of customers in an organization. They show different types of buying behavior. Buying behavior means the buying nature of the customers. Continues research on the customers buying behavior is being done. Actually, there are four types of buying behavior. There are:
- Habitual buying behavior
- Variety seeking buying behavior
- Dissonance reducing buying behavior
- Complex buying behavior (Drotsky, A. 2011)
Above all of the buying behaviors differ from one another. Sometimes, customers are divided based on their buying behavior. Sonee Sports can analyze their customers buying behavior and take decision accordingly.
Decision Making

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