Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most common diseases with a high incidence and prevalence throughout the world. It affects nearly 4% of the world's population and this percentage will supposedly be increasing up to 5.4% by year 2025 (Chaudhary et al., 2012).
Among diabetic patients a high prevalence of coronary heart disease is observed at a relatively young age. Thus, risk factors for atherosclerosis must be defined and avoided in patients with diabetes mellitus. Abnormality of lipids such as high triglyceride levels and low HDL cholesterol levels emerged as residual cardiovascular risks for diabetic patients (Ehara et al., 2012).
Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have an increased incidence of atherosclerotic
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T2DM is also known as a major independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) and is the major cause of morbidity and mortality affecting people with diabetes. To date, several mechanisms such as dyslipoproteinemia, obesity, oxidative stress, smoking, exercise, alcohol intake, and genetic factors have been identified as risk factors of both T2DM and CAD. Lack of apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene has been clearly demonstrated as a leading cause of severe hyperlipidemia and spontaneous development of atherosclerosis in mammals (Chaudhary et al., 2012).
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a multifunctional protein that plays a key role in the metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides by binding to receptors on the liver to help mediate clearance of chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins from the bloodstream. Although individuals carrying the ε4 allele have higher and those carrying the ε2 allele have lower total cholesterol levels than people with the commonest ε3/ε3 genotype, studies of lipid markers have typically involved too few participants to characterize relationships with different lipid subfractions across the 6 common genotypes. Different studies showed that compared with ε3/ε3 individuals,
Hypercholesterolemia is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance and is a major class of lipid, so it gets into the blood by lipoproteins [1]. A high level of lipoproteins is unhealthy. A high level can result in an elevated risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease [2]. The high levels of lipoproteins are often influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors such as obesity or dieting habits [2]. High cholesterol can be caused by mutations in the following genes: APOB, LDLR, LDLRAP1, and PCSK9 [3]. Mutations in the LDLR gene are responsible for causing familial hypercholesterolemia, which is the most commonly seen form of inherited high cholesterol [3]. The LDLR gene contains instructions for making LDL receptors or low-density lipoprotein receptors. LDL receptors play critical roles in regulating levels of cholesterol in the blood by removing low-density lipoproteins from the bloodstream. Mutations in the LDLR gene can make the amount of LDL receptors produced less than normal or affect their job of removing the low-density lipoproteins in the blood [4]. People who have these mutations will have higher levels of cholesterol. There are many ways that the environment can affect the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Reducing the amount of dietary fat you consume lowers the total amount of cholesterol in the blood [5]. Sucrose and fructose can raise the amount of LDL in the blood. Reducing fatty foods will however lower the amount of LDL [5]. Having a healthy body and maintaining physical exercise plays a key role in keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level. If you are overweight or obese you can lower your cholesterol levels by simply losing ...
CAD is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the worldwide. The prevalence of biological and metabolic risk factors were also found to be high in development of coronary artery disease. Patients with hypercholesterolemia are at increased risk to experience cardiovascular events and to die from vascular disease [2]. .Statins, among the most commonly prescribed drugs worldwide, are cholesterol let downing agents used to manage cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases and to treat hypercholesterolemia. Statin’s therapy ...
Atherosclerosis is the culprit behind coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, which is the most common cause of death worldwide and in the United States10. Among the modifiable risk factors of CHD and stroke is the serum low density lipoprotein level (LDL)8, 11. Several randomized clinical trials have established that reducing the serum LDL level results in a reduction in the future risk of CHD and stroke in a linear relationship, in one study it was estimated that reducing the LDL by 1 % would reduce the risk by 1.7 %.1-4, 7, 9, 13
middle of paper ... ... In conclusion, patients at risk for acquiring diabetes mellitus include those with increased obesity, poor food choices, and inactive lifestyles. These risk factors can be modified and will reduce the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Medication can target the blood sugar abnormalities in situations where insulin resistance cannot be managed through lifestyle modifications, such as reduced caloric intake, reduced fat intake, weight loss, and increased exercise.
The purpose of this study is to research the disease Type 2 Diabetes and to discover whether it is being effectively treated and prevented in Merced County, California. According to the National Institutes of Health, Diabetes Mellitus is “a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It is also the most common form of Diabetes”.1 Furthermore, there are many risk and lifestyle factors associated with this disease, but the most prevalent are; obesity (#1 risk factor), sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, family history and genetics, increased age, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and a history of gestational diabetes.2 The long term complications of having type 2 diabetes can include but are not limited to; eye problems (cataracts and glaucoma), foot problems (neuropathy/ nerve damage), skin problems (infections), high blood pressure (which raises your risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problems and kidney disease), hearing loss, oral health, mental health and early death.3
The prevalence of diabetes according to the CDC is 26 million Americans currently diagnosed with diabetes, 79 million with pre-diabetes, and 7 million unaware they have diabetes.1 Diabetes is currently more prevalent in the western countries due to physical inactivity and obesity, but as more Eastern countries develop the western lifestyle it becomes an increasing worldwide epidemic.1 The risk for developing type 2 diabetes increases with age (especially after age 40), but is increasing most rapidly in the adolescent and young generation.1 It is therefore critical that education as well as drug therapies are implemented to decrease the rising prevalence of this illness.
The hereditary risk factors for cardiovascular disease are primarily those of which individuals are unable to control, the ones for which they are born with. These risk factors would include an individual’s sex, race, age, and genetics. One out of every five males has some form of cardiovascular disease and the same applies for females. More women than men have cardiovascular disease in this country, but this is only due to the fact that there are more women within the U.S. population (Weiss and Lonnquist, 2011). Men percentage wise are at a higher risk than women. There is a somewhat reduced probability for females to have cardiovascular disease before menopause. This is believed by medical researchers and scientists to be directly related to the natural hor...
Type 2 diabetes has become a major disorder that has affected the world significantly, studies from the genome wide association studies, show that type 2 diabetes may be involved in other geno...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the number one killer in America, affecting more than 13 million people. CAD occurs when a fatty substance called plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries disperse oxygen-ric...
Katzen, H. and Mahler, R. (1977). Diabetes, obesity, and vascular disease. 1st ed. Washington: Hemisphere Pub. Corp. ; New York : distributed by Halsted Press, p.637.
Your genetic information determines the genes you inherit that may cause or elevate your risk of certain medical conditions. My family genogram clearly indicates the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D), heart disease (HD), hypercholesterolemia (HC) and hypertension (HTN). Heart disease is indicated on both maternal and paternal side and even though T2D only shows on my paternal side, the other diseases such as HC and HTN that are on my maternal side are risk factors for developing diabetes. According to Pessoa Marinho et al. (2013), the genetic and environmental risk factors that influence T2D development are: “age, gender, ethnicity, family history, obesity, inactivity, gestational diabetes, macrosomia, hypertension, decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, increased triglycerides, cardiovascular diseases, micropolycystic ovary syndrome, high blood glucose on previous testing, impaired glucose tolerance and glycated hemoglobin ≥5.7%” (Pessoa Marinho et al., 2013, p. 570). Bianco et al. (2013) states, “the maternal influence confirms the hereditary role in the diabetes pathogenesis that women with positive family history to the illness presented...
Metabolic Syndrome (syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome) is the name for a group of risk factors that raise your risk for diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and other health problems, such as diabetes and stroke.2 It is characterized by abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, low HDL, and elevated triglycerides. Some hallmarks of metabolic syndromes are dyslipidemia, central adiposity, and a predisposition to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Genetics appears to play an important role in predisposing certain individuals and populations to the development of metabolic syndrome.1 Multiple environmental factors modify this genetic predisposition and include physical inactivity, advancing age, cigarette smoking, and endocrine dysfunction. The presence of one or either of these signs should alert the clinician to search for other biochemical abnormalities that may be associated with the metabolic syndrome.
The tendency to build up high cholesterol may run in families, but extremely high levels are usually the result of a poor diet high in saturated fats and calories, along with little or no exercise. In some cases, high levels of cholesterol may be associated with undiagnosed medical symptoms such as diabetes or low thyroid function. According to the American Heart Association, there would eventually be a 50 percent lower rate of heart disease if Americans would lower their blood cholesterol levels by 25 percent. These statements find confirmation in a 1984 report done by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institution on the results of a 10 year study. It showed that for every 1 percent of lowered cholesterol, the chances of a heart attack are lowered by 2 percent.
Magliano, DJ, Shaw, JE, Shortreed, SM, Nusselder, WJ, Liew, D, Barr, EL, Zimmet, PZ & Peeters, A 2008, ‘Lifetime risk and projected population prevalence of diabetes’, Diabetologia, vol.51, pp.2179-2186, viewed 15th May 2011.
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders which is characterized by hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency or resistance or both reasons. (1) According to that diabetes mellitus can be divided as type I and type II. This is common and its incidence is rising, 171 million people had diabetes in 2000 it is expected this condition to be doubled in 2030. It is spread in all the countries and therefore has become a major burden upon healthcare facilities. (2)