Reliable Social Media

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Today, social media has become one of people's fundamental tools for our lives. We obtain any information we want at any time by just simply searching on Google for instance.As social media evolve over time, all the people around the world use it in both good and bad ways every day. For example, a person might use social media to read articles to see what's happening around the world, or a person might use social networking to interact with their friends, family or coworkers. However, some people might use social media really badly. In addition, students in high school bullying their friends by using Facebook posts. As I illustrated it, social media have positive and negative impacts in our society, yet social media have much more advantage impacts than disadvantage impacts in our society.

Reliable Social networking information have more positive impacts in our society than false information. According to social networking site[1], the website states that 49.1% of people experienced hearing false …show more content…

The way President Obama uses Twitter to get votes is a successful way to get the word out to the public. Comparing to Romney, another president runner, President Obama had 404 posts and Romney, 16 posts on Twitter.[4] Social networking sites such as Twitter play an amazing role to communicate with people and a consequence of that has powerful impact in our society today because it allows or 'help" politicians to directly communicate with voters. Indeed, social networking sites could have some negative impacts. In addition, politicians could use their social media sites for promoting. Instead of using social media to communicate with public people, politicians are spending their money to promote their elections. Social media have impacted our society in both good and bad ways; however, it has more positive impacts in our

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