Tuesdays With Morrie Outline

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Morrie teaches people to live life through accepting death, going against the grain of our society and the realization that money isn't everything.
The lesson in the 14th Tuesday of Tuesdays with Morrie. Morrie teaches us how to say goodbye and that it's okay to say goodbye. ¨this ... is ... how we say ... good-bye ... love ... you¨. (Albom 185) I personally believe that people should always say goodbye every time that somebody they care for leaves because life has many possibilities and you never know when the last time you'll get to say goodbye to them is. I learned this the hard way when my grandma was in the hospital. when I chose not to say goodbye because I was a hopeful That shed make it through the night to tomorrow and she didn't. …show more content…

Morrie Advice on this topic is that we should create our own subculture within our culture as a whole. ¨It's the same for women not being thin enough, or men not being rich enough. It's just what our culture would have you believe, don't believe it¨ (Albom 155). this states that no matter how hard people try our culture will always have a new unattainable standard for people to reach for. This is why Morrie suggests we make our own subculture or a smaller culture with their friends and family ,so people can get away from the peresher of not being good enough in our cultures eyes.
The lesion of the 8th tuesday Is that money should not be peoples life's goal Their goal should be to have real connections with people they care for. Morrie believes the only way to fill peoples life with happiness is not with money but with people ¨we put our values in the wrong things and it leads to very disillusioned lives¨. (Albom 123-124) We put our values in money end it leads to disillusioned lives in the way that we believe that money can Bring us happiness ,and to some extent it can in the way of being financially stable but that's about it. Happiness lies in the connections with people you care for and the experiences you make with

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