Tuesday With Morrie Quotes

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While reading Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom, it is discovered that Professor Morrie Schwartz a genuine humble old man filled with life ends up being dignosed with a fatal disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which targets the neourological system. Slowly losing his range of motion, Morrie tries to continue his life as normal as possible, As he lost his ability to walk without tripping, he purchased a cane to help him get by. When he is unable to undress himself, he finds someone to assist him the locker room so he can change in and out of his swimwear. Morrie is a man that refuses to give, only to find different techniques to get by. Accepting death, Morrie writes aphorisms about accepting life how it is. Inspiring many people with his …show more content…

During the interview Morrie states "'There are some mornings when I cry and I cry and mourn myself. Some mornings, I'm so angry an bitter. But it doesn't last too long. Then I get up and say, 'I want to live...'" (Albom 21). This quote helps reveal what kind of person Morrie is because it shows that Morrie does not want to give up.He has the will power to continue what he has left of his life. ALS it does not stop Morrie from teaching his social pyschology class at Brandeis University. There was a student in Morrie's social phsychology class that year, his name is Mitch Albom. These two characters grew a bond to one another where they spent their lunches together, talking for hours. unfornatuely when Mitch graduated, he did not keep his promise to keep in touch with is loving professor. Based on the reading, Mitch gets lost in the work field and becomes a work alcholic. When his uncle dies of pancerous cancer, Mitch decided to make something of himself, he felt "as if time

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