Morrie Rhetorical Analysis

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“Challenges is what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” - Joshua J. Marine. Life is difficult and people need to accept it and in someway every thing in life is a challenge and people need to know how overcome and how live life with those challenges. Morrie teaches people to live life by showing how to accept death, that money isn’t everything, and how to accept aging.
This paragraph has Morrie teaching on how to accept death and how it’s as important as living. Morrie is afraid of his inevitable death but he knows he has to accept it because it will come and there is also something about death that makes Morrie feel bad for other people like the when he is watching the news and sees people that are across …show more content…

Morrie was never really a materialistic man and always loved the simple thing like singing, music, laughter, dancing, etc and now that he’s dying he cares even less and he says that people are so hungry for love that they start accepting substitutes and they start embracing it to and people except a sort of hug back, but it never works because people can’t substitute material things for love, tenderness or for even a sense of comradeship so Morrie doesn’t really care about money or material things.. “Money is not a substitute for tenderness.”(Albom #125). I agree with Morrie that money can’t replace tenderness because a lot during last summer I really wasn’t being with my family and friends I was just working and now that I think about it I was quite sad during that period and I felt very lonely and really having know one to make me feel something and it was something that I missed because I was always away from my family and friends and I also never really became friends with my coworkers I just wanted the money and because I wasn’t really ever with my family or friends and I all I wanted was money and that money made a lot more sadder and then it making me happy. During the last couple of weeks of summer I quit because I didn’t feel good alway being away from family and friends and when I did quit I remember there being a bigger change on how I felt because I felt something and it something good and I …show more content…

Morrie remembered the days when he was a teacher and having his students come in and out complaining how miserable and how hard their lives are and some even thinking about doing suicide and also when people are young they’re not wise and they really don’t know what's happening around them in their lives and it just miserable so Morrie likes aging actually Morrie embraces aging. ¨If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.¨(Albom #118-119). Everything has a positive and a negative and I don’t mind aging but at the same time don’t want to get older I want to be a kid again and not have to worry about trying to get into college, or to get a job and what I’m going to do as a living in the future and other things that make life just a bit harder like this dumb essay but thinking about being younger and happy when everything was a lot much simpler and easier doesn’t help but I need to think about the positive and also stay positive and just embrace aging like Morrie because who knows thing might turn out better than expected. Everything has a positive and a negative and I don’t mind aging but at the same time don’t want to get older I want to be a kid again and not have to worry about trying to get into college, or to get a job and what I’m going to do as a living in the future and other things that make

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