Death In Morrie's Life

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America has a strange way of dealing with death and how a person should die. Morrie stated if a person was to die in a hospital that they would “they pull the sheet over their head… they can’t wait to get them out of their sight. People act as if death is contagious” (Albom 172). The world does not know how to deal with death, they want to stay away from the topic, as if people are afraid of death. America thinks that we should die feeling sorry for ourselves or soaking in self-pity. Morrie was so used to people or America telling him how he should die according what the American culture say, many people are stuck debating if they should “wither up and disappear or do they make the best of their time left” (Albom 10). Many people wither up …show more content…

Society tells you to feel pity for yourself, to withdraw yourself from the world and to feel ashem of you are dying and Morrie prove that those expectations wasn’t true. Morrie asked himself, wjen he got diagnoses, “ am I going to withdraw from the world, like most people , or am I going to live the way I want with dignity with courage” (albom 71 ). The way that society expected him to deal with dying wasn;t the way that Morrie wanted to spend his final months. Through every stage of Morrie life, when his illness was getting worses, he never let the disease to have control over the things that he could have control in life. By saying that I’m simply saying that his diagnoses could control his body, but not his emotions. He is the one that has the final say on how he should live and not his diagnoses. Even on his last days he stated, “ this disease is knocking at my spirt. But it will not get my spirit. It’ll get my body. It’ll never get my spirit” ( Albom 163). No matter how much Morrie was going through, he never let his disease have control over his happiness, soul or outlooks on things. Society did not expect him to have happiness and peace, when dying. Society expected him to be sad and low on spirits, but that wasn’t Morrie and he proved to them that their expectations isn’t helpful when going throught this …show more content…

Morrie showed the readers that even if you are dying doesn’t mean you have to give up on life, as if it’s already over. Morrie was getting closer and closer to death every Tuesday that Mitch visited, but despite his challenges he did not let it get him down. Within this book, he showed us that even though society says that you should just mope around and have pity on yourselves when you are dying. Morrie was living proof that what American thinks you should do is wrong. Even though you are dying you cab still cherish the things that make you happy and try to live as if you wasn’t dying. He didn’t allow his disease to restricet what he coukd and couldn’t do, if he had control over it. This book has impacted me when it comes to living and also in the end stages of life. I learned valuable lessons about living life when I have the chance, forgivness, and needing people to survve, rather alive or dead. This book made me realize all the things that I want to do differently, if I had the chance to prepare for dead like learning to forgive not only others, but myself. W live life worrying about things that wouldn’t even matter five years from now, let alone when we die. This book can teach many people many things and hopefully the readers will learn how ro live their live

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