Truth In Othello

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Perception of Truth
In Shakespeare’s Othello, one’s perception of reality directly influences an individual’s actions in a negative way. This notion overwhelms people to such an extent that their actions, beliefs, and behaviour are hindered by it. Shakespeare demonstrates that human emotions require a person to mask their reality. As such, one’s belief is altered by their perception of truth, which leads to self destruction.
Individuals tend to delve into the darker side of humanity in order to mask their realities. In order to conceal her disloyalty towards her mistress, Emilia supports Iago in his plotting against Othello. Emilia tells Desdemona, “I warrant it grieves my husband as if the cause were his” (3.3.3-4). As a result of her love …show more content…

Iago holds great importance in Othello’s life because he is Othello’s right hand man. As a result of this many times in the play he is referred to as “honest Iago” (2.3.6). Yet, Iago is completely opposite to the title given to him as he constantly uses manipulation and misleading tactics to change other’s understanding of reality. Due to his villainous actions, other characters in the play commit wrongful acts because they believe what they are doing is correct, as they are saving themselves from being mistreated. Subsequently, Othello, Emilia, Desdemona, Cassio, and Roderigo all lose their lives and become victims to Iago’s plotting. Similarly, in the world today, many people tend to commit wrongful and criminal acts because they have a false perception of reality. This fictional belief is caused by society’s need to differentiate others. As a result of this, often innocent lives are lost or ruined. Misconceptions regarding differences in caste, religion, gender, social status, and opinions often lead to unfortunate events such as mass shootings, hijackings, war, etc. This illustrates that one’s perception of reality has a direct impact on an individual’s

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