True Bilingual Language

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Klass, states being a true bilingual is a beautiful thing and by true he means knowing two languages with proficiency something that not everyone can speak. Kids who are raised in the United States aren’t exposed to different languages as other kids in other countries. Early exposure of a language can facilitate the children with forming the sounds in that specific language. Klass says “But parents should not assume that young children’s natural language abilities will lead to true grown-up language skills without a good deal of effort.” Pediatricians are recommending to parents to expand their vocabulary to their children even if they just speak one language. This will help children increase their language exposure. According to Dr. Hoff, a developmental psychologist professor at Florida Atlantic University, children who are bilingual it’s best for them to be exposed to …show more content…

That way the kid can get rich and complex language exposure as well as sophisticated content and information, rather than limited exposure to the language. Some families decide that each parent is going to speak a language to the child, and the child is going to be able to process the information. According to Dr. Hoff, “There is no certainly no research to suggest that children need to have languages lined up with speaker or they get confused.” Kids who have been exposed to a certain language when they were little they will have a stronger sense of language down the way. Children who are learning two languages will have a smaller vocabulary and they will mix the two languages, but there is no confusion between the languages. Kids who learn Spanish and English the English language will overtake the Spanish because the child doesn’t read Spanish or went to a Spanish speaking school. The languages that a kid learns as a child is important as well as other later in

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