Trojan War Research Paper

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The Trojan War was one of the most important events in Greek mythology. Homer's epic “The Odyssey” describes the journey of odysseus, one of the war’s heroes and everything that happened during the war. The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite over a golden apple. Zeus ordered Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris, the prince of Troy. He had a prophecy that he would be the downfall of troy. Paris could not decide which goddess to choose so the goddesses tried to bribe him. Athena offered him wisdom, skill, and ability. Hera offered him political power and Asia. Aphrodite offered him love and Helen. Aphrodite made Helen, one of the most beautiful women fall in love with Paris who took her to …show more content…

They were unsuccessful of rescuing Helen Agamemnon sent people called emissaries to Achaean Kings and princes so they could retrieve Helen. After the deaths of Achaeans Achilles and Ajax and the Trojans Hector and Paris, the city fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse. The horse was a sacred animal to the Trojans. The Trojans thought the war had ended so they brought the horse into their city. Achaean soldiers came out from the horse and attacked the city during the night. The Achaeans slaughtered the Trojans and destroyed all the temples ending the war. Aeneas who was one of the Trojans led the surviving Trojans to modern day …show more content…

In the Aeneid Aeneas leads a group of survivors to away from the city. His wife was killed during the sack of the city. The Trojan survivors escaped with many ships and seeked to establish a new place to live elsewhere. They were told by an oracle that they had to return to their homeland. They found a colony led by helenus but decided not to stay there. Seven years later they arrived to Carthage where aeneas had an affair with Queen Dido. The gods made Aeneas continue forward, and he and his people arrived at the mouth of Tiber river in Italy. Queen Dido committed suicide and aeneas's betrayal of her was regarded as an element in the long enmity between Rome and Carthage. It expressed itself in the Punic Wars and led to Roman

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