Treadway Tire Company Case Study

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Introduction Human Resource Director, Ashley Wall, with 10 years of experience at Treadway Tire Company, has decided to conduct a thorough analysis of the line foremen job dissatisfaction problem within a short frame of time and devise a plan of action to correct it. Using an action research approach to understand the problem from different viewpoints, Ashley is determined to solve the problem as soon as possible by uncovering key issues at the plant using formal and informal documentation. According to Patton (2002), “to have an understanding of the nature of the problem by those involved will allow human beings to more effectively control their environment” (p. 217). This is to say that as a participant in the problem being studied, personal insights and experiences can be interjected with a sense of urgency to get any problem under control. As it relates to the Treadway Tire Plant, this essay will discuss: (1) Any key issues with shortcomings; (2) Recommendations for a possible solution; and (3) Data sources and collection to better understand the nature of the job dissatisfaction problem. Key Issues and Mistakes The exemplars used as examples of the flywheel and doom loop imaging in Collins’ book, “Good to Great” found their success in continuing to push hard at what they were doing with each momentous turn powering the next. The Treadway Company could be described using this descriptor by their driving efforts for maximum expenditure of effort of their line foremen and employees. The mandatory 12-hour shifts with 2 breaks and only a half hour for meals for the foremen and employees was the company’s way of driving a continuous operation and substantially fixing their costs of remaining in business (Skinner & Beckh... ... middle of paper ... ...potential. At Treadway, its leadership will have to look beyond where they currently are to see what a great company they can be by acknowledging its problems and taking steps to correct them. Works Cited Collins, J. (2001). Good to Great. New York, NY: Harper Collins. Lapinski, P., Anderson, L., & Greunke, J. (Video Editors). (2012, May 23). Treadway Tires [Video file]. Retrieved May 23, 2012 from Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Skinner, W., & Beckham, B. (2008, June). The Treadway tire company: Job dissatisfaction and high turnover at the Lima tire plant. Retrieved from Harvard Business Publishing Web site: login=CAPE042409S&pid=2189.

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