Travel Narrative Analysis

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Many of the classical travel narratives of the past are presented with a main character, with the story revolving around their journey and experience in foreign places. Examples of the traditional way of travel writing are classics like Love and War in the Apennines by Eric Newby which is about the writers’ journey to Italy and how he met different people, including his wife, throughout the trip (Dalrymple & Theroux, 2011). There are also recent books like Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert which talks about a middle-aged woman’s travel experience as well as her self-discovery during her trip to India. It is a traditional way of travel writing to be a personal narrative and focus on a hero or a heroine. In this essay, I will talk about a
It does not emphasize on a hero nor a heroine, but it lists out the point about why we all should travel while incorporating some of his experiences when traveling abroad. The writer points out different things to be considered when travelling. For example, it is mentioned that ‘Travelling consists not only in seeing new places but in seeing with new eyes,’ Instead of just the travel experience itself, the writer used a lot of emotional words and long paragraph to share his feels of travelling in general to the readers, and the travel experiences are summed up in short sentence to back up the writer’s thoughts and feelings regarding travelling. In addition to the content, the style of the article resembles a one-sided argumentative essay, ‘arguing’ about the pros of travelling. The paragraph starts with a topic sentence, then the writer’s elaboration on the sentence. For example, ‘(Travelling) shows us the sights and values that we might ordinarily ignore, then as the explanation part, the writer writes about how he breaks his usual routine and follows the norm of the country when in the country by using his real life example in Thailand, Tibet, and Iceland. Unlike the previous writing, Triumph on Mount Everest in which only one journey is focused on, Why We Travel mentioned a lot of places and experience as evidence to support the writer’s view about travelling. In the end, the writer compares love affairs and travelling as the conclusion as both love affairs and travelling are scary but worth

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