Transgender Sports Essay

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Many people in society argue about the unfairness of transgenders competing in sports. Transgenders should be able to be on the sports team that matches their gender identity with medical documents proving they have gender dysmorphia. Many other athletes would argue that transgenders being able to compete in sports is unfair. A transgender woman who has higher levels of testosterone than the other women might seem to have an advantage over the other female athletes. Transgender women might have a little bit of an advantage, but they truly feel as if they are women, so they should be able to compete as women.
People do not seem to raise as much attention to transgender males playing sports because the transgender males are the ones with the disadvantage. They might have lower testosterone levels than the other males competing. Transgender women competing in sports is a completely different story. Transgender women might have higher testosterone levels than the other women competing. There is medication for transgenders to take which makes their testosterone levels match the average level for the
Wangyot is a transgender female, so she was born a man but identifies as a woman. Her school administration worked together to come up with a policy to allow Wangyot to compete during the school year because she wanted to participate in girl’s volleyball, girl’s basketball, and girl’s track. Wangyot decided she wanted to participate in these sports because she wanted to set an example for all other transgender students interested in being a student-athlete. In the state championship race, Wangyot placed third in one event and fifth in another. Wangyot showed that there is not much of an advantage to her because she did not win. There are still other girls faster than her, even though she was born male (USA Today High School Sports

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