Transgender Identity Research Paper

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The topic of transgender has been a sensitive subject since its been publicized in our culture and media as early as the 1950’s when Christine Jorgensen shined a light on those who were born into the wrong gender. The definition of transgender refers to a person whose gender identity, appearance, or actions does not correspond to the sex that individual was born with. The term gender identity relates to the sex the individual feels that they are, whether it is male, female, or something different. They may look, act, dress, and talk differently and this is how they express the gender they feel that they are internally. Transgender awareness has slowly become more prominent and accepted in today’s society more than ever and individuals such as Martine Rothblatt, CEO of Fortune 500 Company United Therapeutics, are true examples of this reality. Keywords: transgender

The Transgender CEO
Many CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are male, and of these CEOs only 5 percent of them are women. Of America’s most recent list of the 200 highest-paid CEOs, only 11 of them were female, and on average they were paid …show more content…

They especially admire those who are competing with the big boys to manage some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in our nation. There are very few female CEOs compared to the greater number of male CEOs. Of these few women, there is Martine Rothblatt. Although born a man, Rothblatt had undergone gender reassignment surgery in 1994 and has been a woman ever since (Miller, 2014). Since she was announced as being the highest-paid female CEO in the nation, most of society has responded to this subject in a positive manner. There will always be those few individuals who don’t believe in true gender reassignment. They feel that the title of America’s highest-paid female CEO should go to the woman that ranked second, given that they consider Rothblatt to still be deemed a “man” because he was born

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