Gender Identity

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There are many different diagnosed disorders known to society, each disorder, with the many symptoms and side effects, serious in its own effect. Many disorders have symptoms that impact numerous areas of a person’s life and cause distress for the one suffering from these symptoms. All disorders are something that people are naturally born with and must learn to manage during life. Among these disorders is Gender Identity Disorder. Gender is a term used in discussing the different roles, identities, and expectations that our society associates with males and females. Gender identity shapes how we think and influences our behaviors. Most people identify their gender with the biological sex determined by genitalia; however, some experience discrepancy between biological sex and the feeling of being born as the wrong gender. According to American Accreditation Health Care Commission, gender identity disorder is a conflict between a person's physical gender and the gender he or she identifies with (Health Central). In “Gender Identity Disorder : A Misunderstood, Diagnosis” Kristopher J. Cook says, “Gender identity disorder denotes a strong and persistent desire to be of the other sex (or the insistence that one is of the other sex), together with persistent discomfort about one’s own sex or a sense of inappropriateness in the role assigned to one’s own sex.” (DOCUMENT) As with any disorder, there are many hardships for those that are struggling with Gender Identity Disorder, also known as GID. Many who have this disorder often find themselves battling depression due to insecurities with who they are and the unacceptance from society. This depression will often lead to suicide attempts and some, unfortunately, succeed. A Truth ma...

... middle of paper ... comes to the realization that gender identity and sexual orientation are two different issues it is easier to look at the scientific research that GID is indeed a disorder one is born with, whether from genitals that are not completely developed at birth, being born with both male and female genitals, or the impact of prenatal hormones on prenatal brains. GID is not “curable” or managed with medication or psychotherapy any more than someone born missing a limb because it is in one’s deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, make-up. When taking sexual orientation, which is a choice, out of the equation one can conclude chromosomes during fetal development can be impacted by genetic abnormalities or hormone imbalances; therefore, the belief that gender identity is a conscious choice or a result of environment is inconclusive and only caused by caused during fetal development.

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