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Leadership and teachers as change agents
Transformational leadership in school
Transformational leadership in school
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However, among the overrepresented minorities are non-Hispanic White populations accounting for nearly 71% in STEM jobs and 15% of STEM Asian workers (George et al., 2001; Landivar, 2013, pp. 13-14; Mwenda, 2010, p. 5). As regards underrepresented females in STEM, they refer to “African American, Hispanic, and Native American women because they are represented in STEM occupations and in academia at lower percentages than the entire population” (Towns, 2010, p. 6). Without demographic diversity, equal access to career options in STEM suffers from a lack of diverse perspectives due its impact on global competitiveness in the U. S. and problem solving capacities within communities (Metcalf, 2010, p. 4; Mwenda, 2010, p. 1). The major disparities …show more content…
According to Balyer (2012), this leadership style posits seven dimensions in schools: “building school vision and establishing school goals, providing intellectual stimulation, providing individualized support, modeling best practices and organizational values, setting high academic standard expectations, creating a productive school culture and fostering participation in decisions” (p. 582). Cemaloğlu et al. (2012) analyzed transformational leadership in four different dimensions. Idealized influence indicates leaders’ defining schools’ vision and mission by incorporating the teachers into the school process. Inspirational motivation as another dimension explains leaders’ creating team spirit with an aim to reach organizational objectives and to increase the performance. Intellectual stimulation presents leaders’ support of the teachers to be creative and innovative. The fourth dimension is known as individualized consideration as it centers on creating a supportive environment where the teachers’ thoughts are valued (p. …show more content…
582; Cemaloğlu et al., 2012, p. 54). Transformational leadership behaviors have both direct and indirect effects on teachers’ behavior, psychological states, and organizational performance (Balyer, 2012, p. 582). Such leaders motivate teachers to empower themselves to produce unexpected performance in terms of STEM curriculum. Also, they sharpen teachers’ skills and augment their knowledge from their own experiences (Asgari et al., 2008, p. 228; Balyer, 2012, p. 582; Seyal, 2015, p. 34). Also, transformational leadership builds genuine trust between school leaders and teachers since principals respect the teachers and deal with the difficulties they encounter. In turn teachers trust the principals and provide them with autonomy to increase their performance and efficacy (Asgari et al., 2008, p. 235; Balyer, 2012, p. 587; Cemaloğlu et al., 2012, p. 54). Such an approach explains that school administrators can become exceptional leaders who also qualify as moral leaders (Balyer, 2012, p. 582; Pless & Maak, 2011, p. 8). To add, charisma, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation serve as the main components of leaders addressing underrepresentation in STEM (Seyal, 2015, p.
Dr. Tanisha L. Heaston, principal of Treadwell Elementary talks to me about educational change. In my first meeting and interview with her, she displays many if not all the leadership benchmarks of a Change Master and Facilitator. Defined by McEwan (2003), a Change Master is a highly effective principal who is flexible and futuristic. A realistic leader who is able to both motivate and manage change in an organized, positive, and enduring fashion. As a Change Master, she uses a situational approach since every school community requires somewhat different skills. Dr. Heaston respects change resisters, procures resources for her school, and trusts her teams which aligns with ISLLC Standard Six.
Leading organizations of school administrators offer educators various opportunities to encourage educators to become leaders. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) has mandated that leaders be better prepared for the task of providing quality education to all. NCLB “… is forcing all educational stakeholders to face the weakness of contemporary school leadership and is making it impossible to ignore the need for higher quality principals” (Hale & Moorman, 2003, p.1). It is believed that all educators can be and are leaders in their own right. A leader is a visionary and has the ability to inspire others to aspire to greatness. Of the numerous opportunities that are offered, those that are most beneficial include but are not limited to leadership training programs, professional development, and creating shared leadership opportunities for teachers to become leaders. The systems “…that produce our nation’s principals are complex and interrelated – and governed by the states. Each state establishes licensing, certification and re-certification” (Hale & Moorman, 2003, p.1). States use the ISLLC standards “…as the framework for preparation programs and in service professional development of school superintendents, principals, and other leaders” (Hale & Moorman, 2003, p.3).
The concept of transformational leadership relies on appropriate leadership approaches for mission success. AFDD 1-1 describes three leadership competencies: person, people/team, organization Effective leaders (tactical level) need to build face-to-face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence behavior and values. Effective leaders (operational level) need to build team dynamics for small groups and squadrons. Effective leaders (strategic level) need to build strategy and provide direction in a broad spectrum.
According to Riggio (2009), the most popular theory of leadership is transformational. Many believe that these leaders get the job done through inspiring, modeling, and helping others develop their skills as leaders. Research provides clear evidence that groups lead by transformational leaders have higher levels of performance and satisfaction than groups led by other types of leaders (Riggio, 2009). Clear communication is vital to transformational leadership and in order to succeed further, one will need to work on their own skills, and set aside time and space for personal development (Manktelow, 2005).
STEM, also known as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is the field that is advancing at a rapid rate. Within STEM, there are many occupations across the four fields. As years go on, more and more people start to have a growing interest in STEM, but this can’t be said for women. Women almost take up half of the workforce, but when it comes to STEM, women only take about 24%, almost half of the women aren’t participating in STEM. The numbers continue to get worse. From 2000 - 2009, the numbers have remained at a constant 24%. At this rate, employers could potentially see a decline in women’s representation, but there have been efforts to change this rate (Beede et al par. 6). This could mean disastrous problems in the world as more problems will arise and there’s nothing to be done because companies are non-diverse and
One of the most serious duties of leadership that participate to leadership effectiveness is the style of the leader. A leadership style is the action a leader display while guiding and supervising organizational members in appropriate directions. Transformational leadership has been demonstrated an effective leadership style in leading organization, it has great effects on subordinates‟ behavior and organizational outcomes (Hardy,2010). Northouse (2010) claims that when hospitals require efficient ways to help them outperform others, a longstanding ways is to focus on the effects of leadership. Team leaders play a critical role in infusion collective norms; coordinating action and assist teams to cope with their environments. This leader-centered
Many times our first thoughts regarding educational leadership are turned to our first experiences as a child. For most, this individual is the school principal. Teachers and students may have a skewed view of this authority figure. He or she is often the focal point of decision-making and discipline. The principal is the singular driving force that combines teachers with their colleagues and students with their teachers and peers (Goldring, 2...
Gorton, R. A., & Alston, J. A. (2012). School leadership & administration: Important concepts, case studies, & simulations. (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. [Kindle Version] (pp. 1-323).
According to Yoder-Wise (2015), a leader can be defined as, “an individual who works with others to develop a clear vision of the preferred future and to make that vision happen” (p 35). As employees, we often have our own ideal of a good leader, which may be influenced by experiences and perception of workplace norms. While one’s opinion of an effective leader may vary, there are several recognized leadership theories. The following will focus on the transformational leadership approach.
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
Certainly, an army would not be able to battle in the war without a commander who in charges of the whole strategy. Correspondingly, any organisations cannot function without leaders. Leader is the most substantial element of successful organizations. Becoming outstanding leaders, leadership skill is vital in order to drive the organizations forward. Several leadership principles are extensively used these days. Burns (1978) identified two types of leadership comprise of transactional and transformational leadership. Hence, leaders should be capable to indicate which theory should be applied in accordance with organization’s culture and objectives. This essay aims to evaluate the resemblances and the differences between transactional and transformational leadership as well as the feasibility to utilize a mixture of them by giving the definitions and examples followed by the supporting researches and studies.
To many, the role of the school principal can easily be defined by two simple words – school leader. But what some fail to realize is how the principal’s leadership role impacts the school and the district as a whole. Leadership styles can vary greatly based upon the individual, a variety of factors, and the situation in which the individual is involved. Based upon these factors, the leader acts in a way that directly relates to the situation while utilizing elements from their leadership style. An effective tool in determining a person’s dominant leadership style is through the Leadership Style Diagnostic (LSD) Scale. This survey can yield surprising results that can help a leader to identify how they lead, as well as the areas in which they can make more informed decisions.
In every institution the type of leadership style is important for a successful environment. In order to establish a successful school environment to compete globally, the leader should comprehend the basic leadership theories and styles (Glickman et al., 2010). The cultures at schools are important to the success of the students and overall of the school, but also can be very difficult to establish and maintain without the proper leadership knowledge (Waite, 1995). In United States many schools could be place in the categories of conventional, congenial, or collegial, because the strategies used for their leadership (Glickman et al., 2010).The chosen school could be classified according to different criteria and could be determine in which area their leadership pertains more. In order to analyzed and classify the leadership, it was imperative to observed the way the leader make decisions, the approached with the stakeholders, how the instruction is delivered, and how they realized their job (Marshall, 2005). In this analysis will be identify the category that this school will be, the school climate, the type of supervision and leadership.
Thomas Sergiovanni (2015) describes three essential dimensions of leadership as “the heart, head, and hand of leadership.” The heart describes those characteristics within the school leader that reflect personal “beliefs, values, and dreams.” The head of leadership refers to the practice of teaching and educating. The hand of leadership reflects actions taken by school leaders with respect to management behaviors. (p. 5) Within these elements, there is room for personal choice in how leadership is practiced and it is incumbent on new principals to find an individual leadership style that responds to the uniqueness of each school.
As mentioned before, leadership styles take an important role in running a school. Unfortunately, many principals have not yet defined their leadership style and struggle to administrate their school. They are responsible not only of teachers and students, but of every employee in the school. They have the power to control all the resources available to improve and meet academic goals. Despite their power, principals need to identify appropriate leadership styles to succeed as