Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Therapy

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1. Introduction Gestalt and TA concept have been widely recognized for their role in psychotherapy. In this context, they provide the therapist with a framework which can be used to help their patients overcome mental problems and issues. As result, personal growth and development is likely to be attained. Their significance is illuminated by the fact that both of them encourage the patient’s ‘here and now’ awareness, which is fundamental in personal development (Brenner 2000). 2. Gestalt Fritz and Laura Perls are responsible for the founding of gestalt therapy in the 1940’s. From there on, Gestalt has contributed significantly to the field of psychotherapy, counseling, and personal development. When therapist uses this method, his or her ultimate aim is to ensure the client achieves personal growth and development. To achieve this outcome, gestalt utilizes existential philosophy and phenomenology. In summary, this form of therapy aims to empower the patient to use his internal and external senses for the purposes of developing personal responsibility and a self-supportive system (Franzke 1999; Corcoran & Daly 2008). 3. Background Through his psychiatrist work with brain-damaged soldiers, Fritz Perls (Husband to Laura Pearls), established that an approach which would treat patient as functional ‘whole’ would be more effective. He therefore diverted from his traditional psychoanalytic practices, to develop gestalt which he believed would be less discrete. Apart from Sigmund Freud, Reich works on self-understanding and the process of personality change heavily influenced his theories and concepts. Differential thinking as presented by philosopher Friedlander, also played notable and influential role. Fritz nonetheless did... ... middle of paper ... ...ient will understand both him/herself and the general surrounding environment. Works Cited Brenner, K. (2000) Psychotherapy Tools for Growth and Development, N.Y, Penguin. Corcoran, M., and Daly, B. (2008) Modern Application of Gestalt Psychotherapy, Elsevier, Sidney. Durlcher, A. (2004) Applying Contemporary Growth Concept in TA, Thousand Oaks, Sage. Franzke, J. (1999) Using Gestalt therapy to Activate Creativity and Self-Awareness, Newyork, Rutledge. McNiff, S. (2004) Art Heals, London, Shambhala. Siegelman, E. (1990) Metaphor and Meaning in Psychotherapy, New York, Guildford. Sills, C., and Joyce P. (2001) Skills in Gestalt. London, Sage. Stewart, I., and Joines V. (1987) TA Today, Nottingham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Russell. Winncott, M., and Laleh, B. 1989 The Phases of Development in TA therapy, New York, Guildford.

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