Towers of Hanoi

585 Words2 Pages

Towers of Hanoi



We have been asked during this piece of coursework to investigate the

Towers of Hanoi. The Towers of Hanoi is a simple game whereby you must

move of a pile of 3, 4, 5 or any other number of discs (1, 2, 3, etc)

of decreasing radii from 1 of 3 poles to another pole (A, B, C).

You are only able to move one disc at a time and cannot place a larger

disc on top of a smaller disc. You must also complete this task in the

smallest amount of moves possible.

Our ultimate task was to complete the game with 4 discs and then 5

discs using the smallest amount of moves, then to find a formula to

find the smallest amount of moves for any number of discs.

Simple cases:


4 discs


After having tried to solve the puzzle with 4 discs I found that the

smallest amount of moves possible was 15. (See fig. 1)

5 discs

To try and make things slightly easier for myself I decided to use the

first 15 moves I had used for 4 discs and then proceed from there.

This method was effective and led me to find that the smallest number

of moves was 31. (See fig. 2)

Results and Formulas


Number of discs


Number of moves











When placing all the results into a table I noticed that if you take a

certain number of moves for example 3 and then double it you end up

with 6. You only then need to add another 1 to make 7, which is the

next amount of moves. This works for any number of moves for finding

the next amount of moves. To simplify my findings I produced a formula

as shown below.

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