Tough Love Research Paper

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There are many ways to teach troubled kids, but the best is using tough love. Tough love is a way to treat a person harshly or sternly with the result to improve them. Parents wonder that parental “tough love” really works? It depends on positive or negative aspects use correctly tough love, it will be good for kids or harm them. If parents are too excessive with tough love, it breaks parent child relationship and be per miscues. The basic way of tough love is set firm limits, follow through on appropriate consequences, and teach teens how to respond for what they did or their behaviors. Bill Milliken wrote a book on Tough Love in 1968. He said that kids are not dumb to know this lesson of tough love is non sense. Instead their parents spoil them, but they are also harder with them. But these lessons repeat over and over again, they start to believe their parents do it because they want the best for them. Tough love is very challenging to parents and kids, but at the same time it can be very successful if used correctly. First at all, tough love has a lot of challenges. If you have a troubled kid in your house, what should you do? There are some challenges that parents have to face when they have tough kids. …show more content…

Parents can show parental love while being firm with the rules, call professional expert about troubled teen when they needed, make a balance between guiding and letting them have freedom, set reasonable expectations, limits, boundaries, and respect their choices, teach them to respond for what they did, and let them experiences everything they can. According Reagan (1942), “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” If you never do something wrong or make a bad choice, you will never learn new things from it. If you did it, you respond for it and you will receipt a lesson that you exchange it by your

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