Tortilla Sun Conflict

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“I wish you weren’t my parent!” A phrase often said to parents when their children are upset. In “Tortilla Sun” written by Jennifer Cervantes, and “Confetti Girl” written by Diana Lopez, the same type of frustration arises. “Tortilla Sun” involves a girl and her mother in an argument. The girl’s mother decides to pursue her education and needs to leaves her daughter at her grandma’s house. “Confetti Girl” is similar; the main conflict is a daughter missing her mother, and her father not being able to bond with her. Because of the divergent mindsets of both parents and their children, awkward and tense situations cause conflicts in both short stories. Izzy is the protagonist of “Tortilla Sun” and her plans for the summer directly conflict for her mother’s education. Izzy wants plans in the summer for herself. Her mother does not want her daughter to be unhappy, yet she also has to finish her research. This leads to a breakdown from Izzy, as she feels neglected by her mother’s decision. This is proven in the story when Izzy says, “I swallowed hard and tried not to cry. ‘Why do you always get to decide everything? …show more content…

In certain cases that may relate to the two passages; there may be tension between parent and child due to contrasting opinions. In “Tortilla Sun” the different points of view was how the mother and daughter would spend their summers. Izzy did not want to spend it at her grandmother’s, but her mother could not care for her and needed to finish her studies. This created conflict between the two. In “Confetti Girl” the narrator tries to overlook the flaws in her father and have a good time, but he messes it up by focusing on her homework. The narrator is upset at her father and this creates tension in the moment. Parents are still people in the end, so should they put their wants and needs first, or make sure their children are always

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