To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Character Traits

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A perfect man is a man who has high moral values and respects all those around him. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird the author, Harper Lee, portrays an idealistic character, Atticus, who is an inspiring father to his children and an excellent citizen of Maycomb. He does not support racism and considers all men equal. This is evident by the fact that he is defending a black man. He understands the problems of others’ and their point of view, and respects them for what they stand for.
Atticus Finch is a single father of Jem and Scout. He has a unique relationship with his children. In a society where children are not allowed to interfere or ask too many questions, Atticus treats his children with respect, equality, and as adults. His children call him “Atticus” and not father, which infers that they …show more content…

This quality and his gentlemen ways make him one of the best and most respected citizens in Maycomb. When Jem and Scout pass through Mrs.Duboses’ house, they greet her by saying “hey, Mrs. Dubose”, but in reply Mrs. Dubose was rude to them. However, when Atticus used to pass by her house he would sweep off his hat and would say “good evening, Mrs. Dubose you look like a picture this evening” (133). This character trait of Atticus tells us about his discipline and respect for others. Atticus also understands others perspectives. One can tell this when Bob Ewell spits on Atticus’s face; Atticus did not respond to this rude behaviour in a violent manner and just walked away. When asked about this incident, Atticus explained by saying, “see if you can stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minute”. It would destroy Bob’s “last shred of credibility” and if ‘spitting in [his] face save[s] Mayella” one beating then Atticus would gladly take it (292,293). Atticus is a type of person who is willing to give up his self respect, in order to save someone from getting beaten. Thus, one can say Atticus is the most respected

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