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In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch says, "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em', but remember it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird." This quote demonstrates Atticus's firm belioef in the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is to treat others how you want to be treated. Atticus follows the Golden Rule throughout the novel, including while defending Tom Robinson, a local African American accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Due to Atticus's firm belief in the Golden Rule and the fact he must live with himself before others and tries to teach his children the right thing to do, it makes sense for him to defend Tom Robinson.
Atticus must live with himself before he can live with others. In the novel, Atticus even says, "Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." This clearly illustrates how Atticus must do what he thinks is right because he can only live for himself and not others. Atticus demostrates this when he refuses to treat African Americans with disrespect, as many other people in Maycomb do. Atticus treats them as he treats everyone and how he wuold like to be treated. Atticus should defend Tom Robinson because he prides himself on his following the Golden Rule, and if he does not defend Tom Robinson, he could not live with himself. Atticus tells Scout he would not be able to show his face in town if he does not defend Mr. Robinson because he would be going against everything he believes in for what others what him to do. The people of Maycomb trust Atticus to stand up for what is right when no one else has the courage. Miss Maudie says, "Whether Maycomb knows it or not, we're paying the highest t...

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...imand his children if he cannot do the right thing.
It makes sense for Atticus to defend Tom Robinson. A large part of Atticus's character involves following the Golden Rule. Atticus should not give up his character, parental authority, and position in town to please the racist beliefs of others in Maycomb. Atticus cannot stand racism and says, "As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash." Atticus should take a stand and defend Tom Robinson to treat his children valuable lessons and to keep his conscience clean. For these reasons, it does make sense for Atticus Finch to defend Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

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