Character Analysis Of Atticus In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Atticus did what no other person would do in Maycomb, he defended a negro man in court. In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Atticus is a lawyer that has to defend Tom Robinson because Tom was accused of raping a white lady. Others in Maycomb don’t agree with Atticus because he took a black man’s words over a white woman’s word. Atticus is a man of morals with integrity, so he did the right thing and took Tom Robinson’s side. It makes sense for Atticus to take a stand to defend Tom Robinson because he follows his morals and the golden rule.
Atticus is a man integrity and morals. Throughout the novel Atticus is always trying to do the right thing in different situations. First Atticus tried to comfort after she told him about her …show more content…

As reference to the novel, “ He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not move”. Jem and Scout could have died that night . However, the positive outweigh the negative. When Atticus defended Tom Robinson it showed that he was a good man and he tried to do the right thing. “ I do my best to love everybody… I’m hard put, sometimes baby, its never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name”. Atticus tried to treat everyone with respect and equality. When Atticus defended Tom Robinson he had hope that people would start judging based on evidence and not race. “ That was the one thing that made me think, well, this may be the shadow of the beginning. That jury took a few hours. An inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it takes’em just a few minutes”. Since Atticus had to defend Tom Robinson some people started to believe negro man over a white woman, which means they weren’t basing their decision on race. It was worth defending Tom Robinson because Atticus was starting to get others to show

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