Time Zones Essay

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P4 explain time zones and their effect on travellers
In this assignment, I will be explaining how time zones affect different types of travellers
Time zones
Time zones are the time in different countries, and they are split up in terms of the hours in the day meaning there are 24 time zones. This can affect a traveller because they may find it difficult to travel because the times vary depending on whether you are travelling to the east or the west so your body made take a few days to get used to the time difference.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Greenwich Mean Time is the point from where time is decided in London, this is known as the GMT for London because it shows how countries are either behind the Greenwich Mean Time or ahead of it. This can affect a traveller who is going abroad because the GMT may be different from theirs; therefore they may miss their flight or even turn up too early.

Lines of longitude
The lines of longitude are the lines across the world, which are for each time zone in the world for each hour in the day meaning there are 24 lines of longitude. They travel across the northern and the southern hemisphere. They can affect a traveller because the time zones may be different and they would differ from the British time zone and therefore they could arrive at the country a few hours later or earlier according to where it is located, for example arriving at India at 02:00pm GMT would mean the time in India would be +5 hours to GMT so the time would be 07:30pm

Time differences when travelling through the eastern and western hemispheres
The time moves forwards or backwards depending on the direction in which they travel to whether it being east or west
If a tourist travels west then the time in that hemisphere i...

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... the varying time zones.
To avoid jet lag tourists can book their flight beforehand; therefore they can know how long their flight will be and how long it’ll take. Another thing you could do is sleep before your flight because you won’t feel tired, therefore you won’t feel the negative aftershocks such as feeling exhausted and ill. A final thing tourists can do is be prepared and bring suitable equipment with you to avoid tiredness/jet lag. Therefore, you’ll easily sleep and not suffer any problems.
Crossing the International Date Line and losing or gaining a day.

When tourists travel over the International Date Line they can transfer between the east and the west. Therefore the time could be behind and in that country; this means that it is one day behind the eastern hemisphere or they could be one day in front if they are travelling in the western hemisphere.

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