Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas

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Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas: Being Disney in Essence Everybody associates Disney with happiness, pure innocence, hope, and optimism. All the Disney movies apparently revolve around the common theme of joy, brightness, and victory of good over bad. They usually follow the stereotypical formula, where there is a clear distinction between evil and noble. The hero and heroines are pleasant and attractive, while the villains are quite ugly. One look at the characters would enable the audience to know who belong to which side. In the last few years Disney has started to make conspicuous efforts to break their pattern and explore new qualities and styles. Any animation movie lover would know that Disney has always discreetly avoided …show more content…

This tone seems to be an intentional effort by Burton to give his films the ironic twist: his visions take people to a world where his creativity enables the exchange between the inborn good-natured and the darker world of the cinematic characters. In the Nightmare Before Christmas two apparent opposing forces are at the steering. There are blunt differences between the appearances of the creatures of happy spirited Christmas town and the seemingly malevolent Halloween town. Now the one single special envision by Burton and Sellick makes it apart and path-breaking Disney film in its time. This world and automatically the movies also take for granted the ugly and misshapen ones to be wicked, brute persons. But this movie reveals that the citizens of Halloween town are not as bad as they appear. Jack can be said to be leaving in underworld. The surroundings and ambience of that place does not give the impression of being a very civilized and refined. Yet Jack turns out to be a thoughtful reader and emits a somewhat quixotic vibe (Page 12). In a recent Disney movie, Tangled, this angle has been dealt with. Flynn/Eugene takes Rapunzel to an inn called Snuggly Ducklings. On entering the place, she finds it filled with the all these seemingly dangerous men with murderous looks. But quite surprisingly, in the following scenes, all of them show their softer sides where they aspire to be something more than their …show more content…

Some of the songs might not even seem necessary or befitting for the situations. Still they are indispensable in these movies. In The Nightmare Before Christmas, the music and lyrics are composed by Danny Elfman. The songs successfully communicate the emotions and thoughts of the characters. Such as, during the opening scene the Halloween Town citizens sing, “life’s no fun without a good scare” (Thompson 23). It is indeed true that even everything perfect and dandy can get boring sometime. Therefore adventures and excitements are necessary to break the monotony of daily humdrum and in addition to this they also advice the audience to take

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