Analysis Of The Movie Nightmare Before Christmas

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Daelyn Sagert
October 16, 2017
Comp. 1 4th hour
Movie Review
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is an animated movie that follows in the life of Jack Skellington, also known as, The Pumpkin King of Halloweentown. After Jack delivers another gloomy and creepy Halloween, he finally realizes that he is bored of always doing the same thing (preparing for next Halloween). Little does he know, the thing that he realizes is missing from his life might be Sally, a rag doll who lives up in a laboratory where Halloweentown’s evil scientist works on her and she is his slave. Sally wants Jack to notice her and want her like she yearns for him. Jack goes to the cemetery to ponder out what to do with his life, from there …show more content…

He ends up finding the “door” to all the other holiday towns. He walks into the Christmas one and decides that he loves it and that this Christmas he wants to be “Sandy Claws”. He goes back into Halloweentown and starts to spread the news about Christmas and explain it to everyone there since they had never heard of it before. The Halloweentown citizens start to plan their Christmas, they make their own toys for the children, kidnap “Sandy Claws” (Santa Clause) so that Jack can be him this year, make Jack his own sleigh and bone reindeer, and many other things. On Christmas Eve Jack flies through the sky with his ghost dog leading the sleigh since it was foggy, and goes to Christmastown to deliver their scary toys to the families there. They were not purposely trying to harm anyone or scare them, but that is all that the citizens of Halloweentown know (scary and spooky stuff). He realizes he has done wrong and goes to release “Sandy Claws” from Oogie …show more content…

Christmas is supposed to take place in a little over a month, so they have to speed up the process. Most of the important stuff happens at the beginning of the month and the end of the month, not many things happen through the middle of the month that would have been significant enough to put into the film (Thompson). Art is defined as how someone defines how they portray something as beautiful. There is no limit to art. There is an infinite amounnt of ways to show how something is beautiful to you. Art in this movie is used in a very unique manner. The art style is very dark compared to most movies. It is also unique in how they portray the characters. The characters move in specific ways, Jack moves with very long and awkward strides, where Santa moves with very short strides. The people are always either extremely skinny or fat. The art used in this movie will always be a fascinating style (Dictionary).
Overall I thought that this was a very advanced movie for its time, being made in 1993, they used an upcoming popular art style which intrigued many viewers. It was not your run of the mill type of movie, which I think helped make it more popular. I would recommend this movie to everyone I know, it is kid friendly and can be interesting for adults to watch too

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