Christmas Carol

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Christmas spirit can be defined in many different ways and mean many different things. For some people it can be giving to other or it can just spending time together with the people you love. Personally, I don’t really give for Christmas because I always felt like giving was only providing material happiness. Generally for Christmas I just spend time with the family and have fun, laugh and catchup on all the things that has happened over the year. Ebenezer Scrooge on the other hand, lack all of these traits therefore he is regarded as having no Christmas spirit. Scrooge said Christmas was a humbug, refusing to spend time with his family, not giving to anyone and keeping to himself on Christmas. To Scrooge, Christmas was just a waste of time as he makes his worker Bob Cratchit work for grueling hours at low pay, refuses his nephew Fred's Christmas dinner invitation, and turns away two charitable workers seeking donations for the poor. Within the book, Scrooge undergone a huge transformation from a mean old miser to the true meaning of Christmas spirit. He was only able to perform this transformation by seeing the 3 ghost of Christmas: The ghost of Christmas past, present, and Yet-To-Come. Scrooge spent his life focusing on his wealth along with his partner Marley. One night Marley’s ghost visits Scrooge trying to get Scrooge to change his fate because Marley ended up bound in the chains of his own greed. Later that night, Scrooge was first visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past and was show his childhood. He was first shown him in the school all alone while everyone else left with their families for Christmas. Then the Ghost of Christmas Past showed Scrooge how he still had some Christmas Spirit when he was younger but he ruined... ... middle of paper ... asking for more was just based on greedy and selfishness. The main connection between me and Scrooge is that we learned something that made us appreciated what we already had. Scrooge spent years of his life all alone without the comfort of others but once he changed he saw all the people that were already there trying to connect with him. Along with me I never really recognized and appreciated everything I had till I realized that some people have nothing. So it can also be said that we both learned to be grateful for what we have as Scrooge had a nephew that cared enough to invite him to his party and a loyal worker that ended up treating him like family. I learned that being around the people you love is more than enough and even better than just a gift because a gift can provide happiness for a moment but your family will always be with you and support you.

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