Tim Burton Outcasts

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Tim Burton’s Style
Social outcasts and misfits are often overlooked in society in daily life, however, there are some who rise to glory. Movie director Tim Burton is one of those outcasts. While many people like him are shunned for their strange, and in Burton’s case, disturbing views and ideas, Burton rose to distinction with his creative ideas and movies. In Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, some of the main characters have made strides to success, without standard social skills. In Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Tim Burton uses high key lighting and long shots to show that while some people are affected by their isolation, some can emerge from it and become influential members of their …show more content…

It is also used to show how people can affect a community so much that it can take on a brighter mood. For example, in Edward Scissorhands, we are show Edwards’s house, which is a dark, dilapidated castle, however, when Peg brings Ed to the neighborhood, the lighting is much brighter. As Edward becomes more accustomed to the community, he begins cutting the bushes into different shapes, and the neighborhood seems more unique and energetic than it was before. Furthermore, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Wonka is an outcast because of his mysterious past, and his reclusiveness. There are quite a few shots of him in low key lighting, and even his flashbacks are dark. This contrasts with the bright and cheerful mood of the factory, and himself. This implies that while he might be an outcast, he still tries to make people happy by making candy, and creating wondrous rooms for the few visitors he has. He has impacted the surrounding village by bringing wealth and commerce through his chocolate business, and the town is most likely famous for the factory. These examples show how misfits like Edward and Wonka can affect their communities, while at first being pushed away, they became influential in their communities by using their talents to make their communities a better

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