Three Different Types of Teaching Styles

625 Words2 Pages

Three Different Types of Teaching Styles

I am going to be looking at three different types of teaching styles .

These are the Command ,Reciprocal and Discovery/problem solving

approach. These styles of teaching are used in different circumstances

i.e. the age or ability of the group or the type or complexity of the

skill and the environment (weather, training surface etc). The type of

teaching method the teacher/coach uses depends on these factors and on

what skill aspect of the sport they are teaching. Also choice will

depend on the personality of both teacher and learner .

I will be examining each of these styles in order to show how they

differ between sports.

The command style of teaching allows the teacher or coach to explain

how to do the skills properly with the right technique. As the name of

the style suggests, the teacher/coach gives clear instructions and the

pupils are given no freedom to make decisions for them selves. This

approach relies on a connection which the pupil makes between the

command (stimulus) and response action. A good example of this would

be a teacher showing pupils how to do a pass in football and telling

them to go off and practice between pairs. This approach is ideal for

beginners in a large group such as a football team as it allows a lot

of information to be passed on quickly and safely. Its weakness is

that the learners may become de-motivated very quickly as they have

no personal responsibility for their own learning. This technique of

teaching can also be used in sports like sprint start positions or

basic serves in tennis.

The Reciprocal style allows the learner to become more inv...

... middle of paper ...

...ts solve teacher set movement

problems with assistance

7.Style G Divergent - Students solve problems without assistance from

the teacher

8.Style H Individual - Teacher determines content. Student plans the


9.Style I Learner Initiated - Student plans own programme. Teacher is


10.Style J Self Teaching - Student takes full responsibility for the

learning process.

In the above I have tried to illustrate the advantages and

disadvantages of each of the three approaches. Each has merits but

careful choice is needed to match the appropriate style to the

individual or groups being taught. It is the learners with all their

variety of skill level, age, environment and attitude who must be the

determinant off the style chosen to enable safe, swift and enjoyable

learning to take place.

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