Thousand Splendid Suns Theme

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In the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, Hosseini illustrates the theme as social issue of domestic violence as women have been abused and treated as low class citizens for many years. The view point of a woman did not matter what's so ever and were not considered, and being loyal to your husband was what really mattered. Even if they were obedient to their husbands, woman's were their property and only for the thrill and likening to the husband. Rasheed and Mariam's marriage and relationship was an example of this. Mariam did all the what her husband required of her, nevertheless, there was one thing should could not do. Being a woman in a afghan society, it is expected that in some time in your life the idea of a child must take place, which Mariam could not. Mariam suffered a lot through her life, mentally and physically. Hosseini portrays the theme in the following quote: "Like a compass needle that always points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam “ ( A Thousand Splendid Suns p. 7). This quote exemplifies one o...

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