Theme Of Suspense In The Sniper

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Comparing the three stories “The Dogs Could Teach Me,” “The Flowers,” and “The Sniper,” “The Sniper” demonstrates the best suspenseful text between the three stories. To create a suspenseful story, “The Sniper” develops multiple moments of suspense. For instance, one illustration of suspense in “The Sniper” is “He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a smoke. It was dangerous. The flash might be seen in the darkness, and there were enemies watching. He decided to take the risk.” This is a suspenseful moment in “The Sniper” because if the sniper risks to smoke, he will be giving away his position and could be shot at by the enemies. Another representation of suspense is “Pressing his lips together, he took a deep breath through his nostrils and …show more content…

An additional illustration of suspense is “Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother's face.” This piece of evidence demonstrates suspense because the story is left as a cliffhanger, the reader doesn’t know if the sniper is heartbroken, irate, or jubilant, making the reader wanting and wondering what the sniper is feeling and what he is going through. These are just a few examples of suspense the author of “The Sniper” wrote. While “The Flowers” has only one example of suspense which is when Myop finds a dead body and a noose. Then the only suspenseful part in “The Dogs Could Teach Me” is when the narrator/main character falls off the cliff. This shows that “The sniper” uses more examples to develop suspense than the other two stories. Also, “The Sniper” has demonstrated and developed suspense better than “The Flowers” and “The Dogs Could Teach Me.” An example of this is “He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a

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