Theme Of Oppression In The Book Thief

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Most of the characters in The Book Thief have been faced with oppression. In my opinion, Liesel has faced oppression the most. Liesel has gone from a shy, quiet girl to a girl that is adventurous and daring. She isnt scared anymore. Liesel was put into foster care. Her mother was not able to care for her anymore and that put a huge weight on Liesle's shoulders. On the way to Hans and Rosa Hubermans, her brother died. Liesel was very upset and I think at that time Liesel changed. She was depressed and angry. She didnt understand why her brother had to die and she didnt understand why she was being put in a foster home. Also, when the Hubermans decided to hide a jew Liesel made a promise to Papa to not tell anyone and since Max was a secret it

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