How Is Holden Caulfield A Hero

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Growth of a Hero
Are all heroes true heroes from the beginning or are their journeys what define them as a heroic? Holden Caulfield, from J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, is proof that not all heroes begin as heroes, but rather become heroes through their experiences. Holden, much like most boys his age, is trying to find his direction in life. This urge leads him into trouble and, more importantly, causes him to transform from a boy into a man, or better yet, a hero. Within this trek, Holden learns many lessons from strangers, old friends, and family members that mature him. Holden is forced to make decisions that not only affect himself , but also affect people around him, bringing Holden to the realization that he is failing himself …show more content…

Upon receiving a notice that he is being removed from his school, Pencey Prep, Holden makes the childish yet extreme decision to run away before his parents are notified of his removal. He feels if he can avoid going home until the beginning of winter break his problems will vanish. At the same time, Holden is trying to find who he is in life, however, he repeatedly ruins great opportunities that are presented to him. Much like Holden, young Chris Kyle, author and main character in American Sniper, is trying to find himself in Texas while living like a cowboy. (Quote about how Chris Kyle is not sure where to go in life)+ …show more content…

He is under the misconception that, in the end, his plan is flawless and will ultimately work in his favor. This, sadly, is not how the world works. Chris McCandless, from Into the Wild, hated society because of conflicts and mistrust that spiraled within his own family. Rather than being mature and facing his problems, McCandless ran away from his family and commited himself to finding his persona and the greater meaning of life throughout a long journey to Alaska. He, as a result of his upbringing, was disgusted with society and knew he did not belong. McCandless viewed living in society as “QUOTE ABOUT PLASTIC” . In McCandless opinion, society influenced everyone in a certain, repulsive way, something he was not fit to be a part of. Both McCandless and Holden felt like misfits and both of them immaturely embarked on wild journeys attempting to avoid their problems. Similarly, both faces obsticles and even graver consequences ahead. (Quote McCandless’ view of society vs. Holden’s reasons to not go

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